This is a song I wrote fraud consortium Temasek Group Forged ROC government 這是我寫的歌名詐欺財團 Temasek Group 偽 造政府ROC 由 Mei Feng Chang 上傳
讚 · 留言
(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play
(Temasek Holdings) deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!
This is a song I wrote fraud consortium Temasek Group Forged ROC government
這是我寫的歌名詐欺財團 Temasek Group 偽造政府ROC
淡馬錫控股集團在台灣的1-4樓店住房貸款再次傷害! (詐騙本金及利息)事件(偽造)(欺詐)
Jetstar catch the next plane to harm me again after Temasek Holdings
捷星航空趕下機後繼續又再度來害我淡馬錫控股集團的星 展銀行詐欺我房貸本金!Jetstar catch the next plane to continue to harm me again Temasek Group DBS principal mortgage fraud me!
Temasek fraud with ROC government consortium with
defamation)(An affront to the crime!) (Jetstar) the use of false flight safety lie to the media published untrue, the real name of the picture image (defamation)!
Evidenced by the following:
Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格
Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse), (Luggage bags)and (wallet purse)is Different Style specifications,
狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包 Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重點我背的是 (錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里! Evidenced by the following:
Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格
Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse)狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢 打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重 點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $1284326NT +$1366637NT= $ 2650963NT,DBS計算
Key evidence:
I have calculated the correct principal as follows:
2100000+ 2000000 = 4100000 × 11,2 ÷ 20 = $2296000NT(我還欠銀行的本金餘額)
DBS principal counted $2,650,963 - $2296000NT principal operator = $ 354963NT(DBS bank fraud
You DBS Bank is the result of the Jetstar event fraud Housing loan principal $ 354963NT
OK! Clear enough! Carefully negotiate compensation for this notice: (Temasek Holdings) Group|
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 星展銀行詐欺偽造罪!法律上銀行如果拿不出法律客戶要 求的當場解說計算帳目及證據契約合約!法律上我是不需 再付錢了!犯罪是事實!請快與我談判和解!不然近日到星加 坡眾裁法庭控告你們Temasek Holdings) Group!甚至於告 到荷蘭國際法庭!
DBS fraud forgery! Legally take no legal bank if required by customers on the spot commentary calculation accounts and evidence deed contract! Legally I do not need to pay up! Crime is a fact! Please hurry reconciliation talks with me! Otherwise recently went to court against you cut the congregation Singapore Temasek Holdings) Group! even reported to the International Tribunal for the Netherlands!Litigation against!
就怕牠们不滅我口!老娘就算被滅口死後歐!靈魂絕對玩更 大!死後靈魂會飛耶!交通更加方便=整死 ROC在世界更加
I am afraid they are Extinguish mouth! I was Absolute not afraid! Soul definitely play ROC more ! After death the soul can fly yeah! Transportation more convenient to play death ROC = more convenient in the world,
讚 · 留言
(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play
(Temasek Holdings) deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!
This is a song I wrote fraud consortium Temasek Group Forged ROC government
這是我寫的歌名詐欺財團 Temasek Group 偽造政府ROC
淡馬錫控股集團在台灣的1-4樓店住房貸款再次傷害! (詐騙本金及利息)事件(偽造)(欺詐)
Jetstar catch the next plane to harm me again after Temasek Holdings
捷星航空趕下機後繼續又再度來害我淡馬錫控股集團的星 展銀行詐欺我房貸本金!Jetstar catch the next plane to continue to harm me again Temasek Group DBS principal mortgage fraud me!
Temasek fraud with ROC government consortium with
defamation)(An affront to the crime!) (Jetstar) the use of false flight safety lie to the media published untrue, the real name of the picture image (defamation)!
Evidenced by the following:
Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格
Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse), (Luggage bags)and (wallet purse)is Different Style specifications,
狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包 Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重點我背的是 (錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里! Evidenced by the following:
Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格
Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse)狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢 打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重 點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $1284326NT +$1366637NT= $ 2650963NT,DBS計算
Key evidence:
I have calculated the correct principal as follows:
2100000+ 2000000 = 4100000 × 11,2 ÷ 20 = $2296000NT(我還欠銀行的本金餘額)
DBS principal counted $2,650,963 - $2296000NT principal operator = $ 354963NT(DBS bank fraud
You DBS Bank is the result of the Jetstar event fraud Housing loan principal $ 354963NT
OK! Clear enough! Carefully negotiate compensation for this notice: (Temasek Holdings) Group|
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 星展銀行詐欺偽造罪!法律上銀行如果拿不出法律客戶要 求的當場解說計算帳目及證據契約合約!法律上我是不需 再付錢了!犯罪是事實!請快與我談判和解!不然近日到星加 坡眾裁法庭控告你們Temasek Holdings) Group!甚至於告 到荷蘭國際法庭!
DBS fraud forgery! Legally take no legal bank if required by customers on the spot commentary calculation accounts and evidence deed contract! Legally I do not need to pay up! Crime is a fact! Please hurry reconciliation talks with me! Otherwise recently went to court against you cut the congregation Singapore Temasek Holdings) Group! even reported to the International Tribunal for the Netherlands!Litigation against!
就怕牠们不滅我口!老娘就算被滅口死後歐!靈魂絕對玩更 大!死後靈魂會飛耶!交通更加方便=整死 ROC在世界更加
I am afraid they are Extinguish mouth! I was Absolute not afraid! Soul definitely play ROC more ! After death the soul can fly yeah! Transportation more convenient to play death ROC = more convenient in the world,

(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!
PS: But you Jetstar Aviation Consumer Foundation in Taichung mediation fails! Not refund my ticket money now! You the consortium of the