2015年11月7日 星期六

A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution我刚...

A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution! ^^ deserved s all wrong! ROC still shameless
Utilize Utilize the Constitution to protect their positions Gouguan! entirely the judicial is a problem, No three powers discrete, even with official protection official crimes everything fraud People!,

we citizens do not come out to promote the people's referendum! peoples inspectors together government corruption in politics we call the shots!


Sui and friends: 20 years my observation of the consistent use of judicial persecution of dissident Ma Ying - jeou?!
To incite hatred, lies fraud, ruled Taiwan?!

網友 陳瑞和 :20年來我對馬的觀察 ,馬英九一貫利用司法迫害異己?!
以煽動仇恨,謊言詐騙,統治台灣 ?!

2015年11月4日 星期三


投诉ROC司法人,ROC监察院,不跟蹤调察内政部吃案,却反派特务来马来西亚跟蹤我! 还竟派特务来马来西亚我寄住的地方大放烟火!刚刚还马上就让我发烧生病威吓恐赫我!

I complained ROC judicial person, ROC Control Yuan, the Ministry of Interior does not track tune observed eating case,
ROC villain spies come to Malaysia ! Also spies come to Malaysia !in my Living home outside Release big fireworks! Now let me also sick with fever intimidation intimidate me!