2013年10月20日 星期日

ROC unconstitutional obstruction of brain controls Suit Trap me falsely ...

惱羞成怒亂 不顧法規人事物時間地點違法就寄文書提起公訴我!還叫媒體來毀謗­我這是哪國家的私法啊!20多年了我也習慣這電磁波腦控表演出的秀!劇情節目差不多都是­類同!不符合邏輯,難看透了結果腦控所國安(曹大偉)得知我要移­民,竟然還會被整回來!再度違法用電磁波腦控趁我上課羈押我.還­要逼我簽名成為(恐嚇罪)十多張罪行的重刑犯.並文書裡寫說不准­我出境!擺明不准我移民陷害我致死呢!還好我沒簽名!他們地檢沒­辦法才叫我女兒接回家!司法=私法!我們幕後總統隱形殺手國家情­報員腦控中心耶!

事後台中地檢他們還是寄出文書不准我出境出海 栽贓我呢!



ROC unconstitutional obstruction of brain controls Suit Trap me falsely ...





ROC unconstitutional obstruction of brain controls Suit Trap me falsely ...

這裡面所說:腦控受害者的一切!我全部品嘗過!20多年了大起大落,家破人亡,一切切侮辱種種也都習慣了!人 民碰到不好磁場怪怪的不自然情景劇情時,千萬要忍耐!那全是電磁波腦控之陷阱事故!全民要清醒警惕呀!!!不要與政治共舞了!大家和氣自治台灣公民區!不 需這騙人的司法機構!大家加油!!! 他們司法人都不准我出國出境出海亂誣告我!哪來的人權耶! http://bibi2009pc.pixnet.net/blog/post/101021777 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ See more mind control victim Wide Web: http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1010 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=535559739847532& set=gm.1412143569003379&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

2013年10月19日 星期六

ROC unconstitutional obstruction of brain controls Suit Trap me falsely ...

這 裡面所說:腦控受害者的一切!我全部品嘗過!20多年了大起大落,家破人亡,一切切侮辱種種也都習慣了!人民碰到不好磁場怪怪的不自然情景劇情時,千萬要 忍耐!那全是電磁波腦控之陷阱事故!全民要清醒警惕呀!!!不要與政治共舞了!大家和氣自治台灣公民區!不需這騙人的司法機構!大家加油!!!http://youtu.be/wvDJSBXMyP4

2013年10月18日 星期五

Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR - Nonprofit Mental Health Watchdog

Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR - Nonprofit Mental Health Watchdog大家被電磁波害到的公民,全部寫信翻譯英文到國際公民人權委員會那裏投訴網址:

There said : mind control victim's everything ! All I ever tasted ! 20 years of ups and downs , broken up, an earnest insults are also accustomed to all sorts ! People encounter bad magnetic strange unnatural scene story , do be patient ! that was all the electromagnetic mind control trap accident ! referendum should clearly wary of it ! ! ! do with politics danced ! everyone kindly autonomous citizens of Taiwan area ! judiciary without this lie ! everyone Come on ! ! !

I have a singer licenses, martial law take Taiwan Wen passport to go abroad perennial artifice singer ! Occasionally throughout the year in a foreign country to return to Taiwan showman ! This is my 25 years old and has been the National Intelligence Agency ( Hongyuan Investment Adviser Summit ) Cao Dawei rape under the control of brain waves so far ! victims 20 years of my life have been hiding electromagnetic Guoan Cao Dawei , I has been for the stage name : Huazi Jun .Wang  Mary ;whose real name is Chang Meifeng  ! but was electromagnetic waves throat cough has been can not singing,

Then I married   My husband,My husband was killed

But I was not killed,   but a lot of test certificates ! but an almost equal I go back and find him ! ghost will find him ! Let me Dabu Wan lawsuit ! financial wealth to go ! changed a lot of work to be whole , now I discovered that this government is entirely judicial constitutional trap people cheat scam ! sentenced me if they really dare ( I would Write a book ) ! because I keep it 20 years ( electromagnetic life ) ( causing me all records ) incriminating videos !

I can not remarry reason ! Because ( brain control of Cao Dawei ) they will once again let me ruined ! That good brain control will deteriorate a little attention people ! So I used to go to Mount Jiuhua Buddha ( spanking ) ! Let me not sin  !

Brain control the most important information you need to know and Prevention : Brain control experimenter to destroy the people of Taiwan life , harm your life , experimental death, even death can only give up the custom !
Brain control the most important information you need to know and Prevention :
Brain control experimenter to destroy the people of Taiwan life , harm your life , experimental death, even death can only give up the custom !

Experimental ruined the people of Taiwan life , harm the people of Taiwan life , experimental death

Reference article
Taiwanese academics in the brain control hazardous events are professional ignorance ? Without regard to human rights ? For research and funding and collective experiments ? Or must now expose all the mind-control in the face of all the people of Taiwan ruthless experiment ? ( Personal stories of creation ? )


My daughter was born in  Malaysia, but they would not let me  immigrant Malaysia!
They would not let me out traveling abroad to sea Taiwanese judicial people  framed my prejudice secret sins chaos ! Where's human rights yeah !


我是有歌星證照,戒嚴時期拿台文護照常年出國做秀歌星!全年在外國偶爾會回台做秀的!這是我25歲時已經被國家情報局兼(鴻源投資公司顧問首腦)曹大偉強姦後下電磁波腦控至今!害我的人生20多年了一直躲電磁波國安曹大偉,所以一直換藝名:華姿君 王瑪莉 及 張美鳳本名!可是被電磁波電喉嚨一直咳不能唱歌,改嫁[華僑窮小子卻被害死!我沒被害死反而考了很多證照!但一直逼我回去找他!鬼才會去找他!被害打不完的官司!財來財去!被整到換過很多工作,現在才知這政府司法憲法完全是陷阱騙人民的騙局!他們如真敢判我(我一定會出書)!因為我保留這20多年(電磁波人生)(害我的一切記錄)罪證影片!









See more mind control victim Wide Web:


My blog:



2013年10月12日 星期六

I no complicity , the how will be the formation of secret sin ?誣告(防 害秘密罪)終於要出庭了!預防國安電磁波曹大偉髒老頭再度亂操縱儀器,致使檢察官法官機器人又再度亂羈押我,所為必須做出個人紀錄給世界知道! Taiwan have this technology , please see this site will know everything ! 台灣有沒有此科技?請點下此網址便知道一切! http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1010 腦控受害者轉發政府害人情節 http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1112&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1111&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1016&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1086&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1086&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1085&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=996&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=1017&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=995&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=926&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=925&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=921&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=920&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=919&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=918&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=917&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=914&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=913&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=912&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=911&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=910&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=909&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=909&kkeyword= http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=909&kkeyword= Balam live my glasses were snatched bailiff destroyed , the Prosecutor and chaos unconstitutional Article VIII ( liberty sin ) illegal detention me , there is no opportunity for me to publish secret investigative tribunal eat case scenario , I no complicity , the how will be the formation of secret sin ? 現場我的祕錄眼鏡被法警破壞搶走下,檢察官又亂違憲第八條(人身自由罪)犯法羈押我,根本沒機會讓我公佈偵查庭吃案祕密情形,我又沒有同謀共犯下,怎麼會是形成秘密罪? 你ROC真的連共產黨都不如,中共至少會告訴人民沒憲法保障,人民知道無權投訴保障就會忍耐移民,國際法階梯:憲法大於法律,法律大於命令,命令大於地方法治,台灣沒法制全民不用提告抵制讓司法關門 2013年6月4日 17:12 ROC really Than the Communist Party Not enough , the CCP will at least tell people not constitutionally guaranteed right to know the people will be patient complaints protect immigrants, but you ROC lied to the world ,and the ROC was said to have lied to the people for constitutional guarantees may cheat people go fight the complaint, does not observe the constitutional rules, so to defraud people!Really! Not as good even the Chinese Communist Not enough Yeah! Please tell me the ROC government in Taiwan no constitution, and announced to the world, I plead guilty! Today I actually received ROC government Taichung District Prosecutor's indicted prevent harm secret crime files, using Article 251 of the first prosecution against me, ROC malfeasance crime is not honored Article VII of the Constitution the law of equality class equality, Article VIII of personal freedom, I have been a lot of cases the plaintiff lawsuits are not eaten prosecutor handling the case, the prosecutor is to help people collect evidence, without permission closed, the judges have concluded free proof of authority, the court scene camcorders of course, I have a constitutional Article safeguards court can certainly anti-rail card recording, because they all ate cases of dereliction of duty, I put youtube to let everyone know, not to mention I have proof! 我 今天竟然收到ROC政府台中地檢署檢察官起訴我沒名子的防害秘密罪文件,用第251條第一項提起公訴告我,ROC瀆職犯法不尊守憲法第七條法律人人平等階級平等, 第八條人身自由,我是原告人訴訟很多案件都被檢察官吃掉不辦案,檢察官是幫助民眾收集證據,無權限結案,法官才有自由心證結案之權限, 法 院現場有攝錄影,我當然有憲法第七條保障,出庭當然可以反軌證錄影 ,因為他們全部瀆職吃案件,我才放到youtube讓大家知道,何況我有證據 http://youtu.be/wymz3JVElrQ20131I no complicity , the how will be the formation of secret sin ?誣告(防...

I no complicity , the how will be the formation of secret sin ?誣告(防 害秘密罪)終於要出庭了!預防國安電磁波曹大偉髒老頭再度亂操縱儀器,致使檢察官法官機器人又再度亂羈押我,所為必須做出個人紀錄給世界知道!
 Taiwan  have this technology , please see this site will know everything !



Balam live my glasses were snatched bailiff destroyed , the Prosecutor and chaos unconstitutional Article VIII ( liberty sin ) illegal detention me , there is no opportunity for me to publish secret investigative tribunal eat case scenario , I  no complicity , the how will be the formation of secret sin ?

2013年6月4日 17:12

ROC  really Than the Communist Party Not enough , the CCP will at least tell people not constitutionally guaranteed right to know the people will be patient complaints protect immigrants, but you ROC lied to the world ,and the ROC was said to have lied to the people  for constitutional guarantees may  cheat people go fight the complaint, does not observe the constitutional rules, so to defraud people!Really! Not as good  even the Chinese Communist Not enough Yeah!

Please tell me the ROC government in Taiwan no constitution, and announced to the world, I plead guilty!

Today I actually received ROC government Taichung District Prosecutor's indicted prevent harm  secret crime files, using Article 251 of the first prosecution against me, ROC malfeasance crime is not honored Article VII of the Constitution the law of equality class equality, Article VIII of personal freedom, I have been a lot of cases the plaintiff lawsuits are not eaten prosecutor handling the case, the prosecutor is to help people collect evidence, without permission closed, the judges have concluded free proof of authority, the court scene camcorders of course, I have a constitutional Article safeguards court can certainly anti-rail card recording, because they all ate cases of dereliction of duty, I put youtube to let everyone know, not to mention I have proof!

我 今天竟然收到ROC政府台中地檢署檢察官起訴我沒名子的防害秘密罪文件,用第251條第一項提起公訴告我,ROC瀆職犯法不尊守憲法第七條法律人人平等階級平等, 第八條人身自由,我是原告人訴訟很多案件都被檢察官吃掉不辦案,檢察官是幫助民眾收集證據,無權限結案,法官才有自由心證結案之權限,
法 院現場有攝錄影,我當然有憲法第七條保障,出庭當然可以反軌證錄影 ,因為他們全部瀆職吃案件,我才放到youtube讓大家知道,何況我有證據