Ha I am Espionage prejudice to just one more secret crime yeah Cause:! I publish evidence true Videos, but hinder the crime against the law ROC government corruption unconstitutional ah XD!.
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Account政腐假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
http://www.facebook.com/chang37192000 http://youtu.be/s150of4z5vU 因台媒體全封鎖,我的電腦IP址也被鎖,好像共產黨行為,侵犯隱私,人權.為什麼我小時候公民教育是民主?可是台灣明顯現在走行為是共匪行為封鎖法律,反正我可從外籍登入此新聞並連結我錄的證據影片在youtube.聯合徵信個人信用記錄與世華銀信用卡帳單及(國泰帳單還是退險後寄出)完全不對日期及帳目就是直接證據非旁證,我證據十足還判我輸,國泰世華銀行與人壽詐欺我,嚴重伪造文書,我請律師沒人敢接,還封鎖媒體,請大家傳給各界 讓全國消費者知道國泰及世華銀行亂算帳目. 如要知詳情看錄影片證據請點http://www.facebook.com/bibi2009pc
2014年5月28日 星期三
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Acco...
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Account政腐假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Acco...
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Account政腐假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Acco...
ROC pretend FB account!Jump blocked out of the box frame Blocked My Account政腐假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
This really is shameless ROC government corruption ip police pretending to jump out of a blocked account FB frame, but fortunately, his aging mother to switched directly from a new shutdown browser but also can on FB too!
Seal her mother ROC government was dismissed by the United Nations is playing a game of collapse tightly tightly tightly super!.
這ROC政腐 警察還真不要臉假裝FB跳出個封鎖帳號框框,還好老娘直接關機從新開機換另家瀏覽器又可上FB呢!封她媽ROC政府被開除被瓦解 被聯合國打 打 打 打死 死 死 ˇ死 ˇ死 ˇ死超!
2014年5月20日 星期二
就是要反服貿啦!抵制服貿、配合ROC電磁波政腐、搞亂市場、超群出眾整體造型 (台中女士有福了)! (目前做臉部保養一樣$150元)
就是這句被ROC控制不能做生意耶!要反服貿啦!抵制服貿、配合ROC電磁波政腐、搞亂市場、超群出眾整體造型 (台中女士有福了)! (目前做臉部保養一樣$150元):
2014年5月17日 星期六
2014年5月16日 星期五
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