因台媒體全封鎖,我的電腦IP址也被鎖,好像共產黨行為,侵犯隱私,人權.為什麼我小時候公民教育是民主?可是台灣明顯現在走行為是共匪行為封鎖法律,反正我可從外籍登入此新聞並連結我錄的證據影片在youtube.聯合徵信個人信用記錄與世華銀信用卡帳單及(國泰帳單還是退險後寄出)完全不對日期及帳目就是直接證據非旁證,我證據十足還判我輸,國泰世華銀行與人壽詐欺我,嚴重伪造文書,我請律師沒人敢接,還封鎖媒體,請大家傳給各界 讓全國消費者知道國泰及世華銀行亂算帳目. 如要知詳情看錄影片證據請點
2012年12月12日 星期三
the kmt put spells to fix me, causing me a pile after another 20 years l...
the kmt afraid shame! a tear cut (strike horse) and (judges the eating case) list demonstrators flag! tore up it! Can I use ab glue to stick the stickers! see you Gouguan how tear! paste your whole life in front of friends and familysuppressed forever! eat case look at links you Gouguan large head and face the keywords! let the whole world to make fun of you breaking the law Gouguan! kmt put character lawsuit 20 years Dabu Wan
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