2013年2月28日 星期四

法院按鈴申告台中檢察長張斗輝!無偵即結一� �騙人案號怕吃案存證The Court br

iframe width 480 height 270 src http://www.youtube.com/embed/DtsOQFMd_Bc frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>  台灣司法騙子!台中法院按鈴申告檢察長(張斗輝Chang Doo-hui) !亂編騙我.亂冒出一個6834案號寄給我,內容寫查無證據已簽結,此案從來沒有偵查來往書信過,亂霧化偽造案情欺騙人民,嚴重瀆職一堆,逼我寫郵政存證信函當狀紙,來告牠張斗輝,特此公佈於民存證!
   以後對付壞的司法人!不公不義陳情狀紙文書.全部用(有法律效率)的(郵政存證信函)當狀紙陳情提告! 量牠們也不敢吃案!

ps;記的 對付 沒司法的kmt狗黨,(任何按鈴控告),任何出庭都要密錄起來存證!還要po網路給大家做證!讓kmt狗黨(吃案時)!卡到喉嚨吞嚥不下,而半死不活!

Taiwan judicial liar! Taichung Court bringing out reams of Attorney (Chang Doo-hui)! Fabricated and lied to me. And chaos emerge a 6834 case number sent to me, the content written investigation no evidence has been signed knot, the case never investigation betweenThe epistle However, the chaos atomization forgery to deceive the people on the merits, gross negligence pile to force Post as evidence a letter I wrote when Zhuangzhi, to report it to Zhang Doo-hui is hereby notified that the people as evidence
   The future to deal with the bad judicial the people! Injustice petition to Zhuangzhi instruments. Entirely (legal efficiency) (the postal as evidence letters) to sue when Zhuangzhi petition! Amount they do not dare eat the case!

ps; remember to deal with not justice the kmt dog party, (sue any ring the bell), any court to be dense recorded it as evidence also po Internet for everyone to do the card! let the Party (eating case kmt dog)! card to the throat, swallowing high, half-dead!

