2013年12月22日 星期日


Because this government is
fucking its people everyday!

Qiu Hongzhou KMT's Ma regime does not call the people to call him , his cock , his shoes , his dry

This means that we must get rid of corruption in Taiwan ROC political system rotten ! Beat profiteers
Referendum rejected the election ! Synchronized together with the United Nations !
Citizens who do not admit that this can not fake democratic separation of powers does not do fake tickets bully people ! Everything cheat ROC government rot !
KMT and Taiwan together with a series of steps to destroy Taiwan plans ! !
First: the lure turn Taiwan into Chinese territory of honest enterprise , so that Taiwan's industrial hollowing .
Second: the island down the remaining private sector employees and workers' wages in high -paying poach professionals .
Third: clothing trade with goods and services trade is expected to rob the store staff jobs.
Fourth: spy invasion , control and influence public opinion in Taiwan elite .
Fifth : the removal of the elderly and infirm to Fujian, Taiwan immovable rights confiscated.
Sixth: PLA its forces in Taiwan , young reorganized into teams to complete the Taiwan -based prospective battlefield ! !
Mei Feng Chang shared Zhang Qingen the dynamic situation .
3 hours ago
Referendum rejected the election ! Synchronized together with the United Nations ! Citizens who do not admit that this can not fake democratic separation of powers does not do fake tickets bully people ! Everything cheat ROC government rot !
We can not unite , our enemies are illegal government !

Proverbs 24:6 you go to war , we must rely resourcefulness ; multitude of counselors there is safety .
Ing independence must win !

Because this government is
fucking its people everyday!

邱鴻洲 國民黨的馬政權以不在呼人民罵他,屌他,鞋他,幹他

公民們不要承認這 沒法制 假民主 三權不分立 做假票欺民!一切做弊ROC政腐!
國共聯手併台與滅台的系列步驟計畫 !!
第六:解放軍移防台灣,年輕人整編入隊,完成台灣準戰場基礎 !!
Mei Feng Chang 分享了張慶恩的近況動態。
全民拒絕選舉!一起與聯合國同步!公民們不要承認這 沒法制 假民主 三權不分立 做假票欺民!一切做弊ROC政腐!

箴言 24:6 你去打仗,要憑智謀;謀士眾多,人便得勝。

