!hen business dealings signed contract termination: the moment I lifted the contract signing = not owe any contract period = not owe any fees, cancellation after the second day of Cathay United Bank has returned give to my post office account of $ 2,000, but it ROC electromagnetic waves! brain control political corruption is to continue with Cathay Life consortium Dunning money, send bill mad phone calls continue for up to five months, forced me to sue lawsuit, they have a big money rot political earn it! actually 20 years , and there is evidence that the real thing is not afraid of defamation of, ROC false accusations causing me (Precautionary secret sin), because I found them judicial and political rot together to sell secret evidence in Taiwan, shame table leak International does not recognize the rotten political all the Taiwan Citizen people expelled ROC the strike rot!
那時不知到是被ROC政腐曹大偉國安電磁波腦控,還以為是被曹大偉國安下邪教符咒呢!如今卻了解了這政腐整害 人民整很大,完全不適任,全部公民罷選開除他們ROC!
10分鐘前 · 已編輯 · 讚
Mei Feng Chang http://youtu.be/-t1tfmVOLag 那時不知到是被ROC政腐曹大偉國安電磁波腦控,還以為是被曹大偉國安下邪教符咒呢!如今卻了解了這政腐整害 人民整很大,完全不適任,全部公民罷選開除他們ROC!
(1)The kmt spells do trapeze yeah!狗冥黨下的符咒可做空中飛人耶!
When business dealings signed contract termination: the moment I lifted the cont⋯⋯ 更多
約於 1 分鐘前 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 移除預覽
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http://www.facebook.com/chang37192000 http://youtu.be/s150of4z5vU 因台媒體全封鎖,我的電腦IP址也被鎖,好像共產黨行為,侵犯隱私,人權.為什麼我小時候公民教育是民主?可是台灣明顯現在走行為是共匪行為封鎖法律,反正我可從外籍登入此新聞並連結我錄的證據影片在youtube.聯合徵信個人信用記錄與世華銀信用卡帳單及(國泰帳單還是退險後寄出)完全不對日期及帳目就是直接證據非旁證,我證據十足還判我輸,國泰世華銀行與人壽詐欺我,嚴重伪造文書,我請律師沒人敢接,還封鎖媒體,請大家傳給各界 讓全國消費者知道國泰及世華銀行亂算帳目. 如要知詳情看錄影片證據請點http://www.facebook.com/bibi2009pc
2014年7月28日 星期一
2014年7月27日 星期日
Find a consumer protection official mediation filing DBS eat my principa...
iframe width 480 height 270 src http://www.youtube.com/embed/RTbuu_dugSI frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>告星展銀行吃我本金詐欺罪,在消保官調解被案!我不要送件到金管會!該金管會是騙人的!國泰世華詐欺案跟本都不回信鳥你案件!
Report DBS Bank eat my principal Fraud, mediation was the case in the consumer protection official! I do not want a delivery to a FSC The FSC is a lie! The Cathay fraud case with this not reply birds your case!
So I've come to the Consumer Protection Officer
I dual citizenship! DBS as compensation for the loss of my money, blame me Singapore lawsuits accuse you DBS bank fraud take financial crimes!
ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉!
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
Report DBS Bank eat my principal Fraud, mediation was the case in the consumer protection official! I do not want a delivery to a FSC The FSC is a lie! The Cathay fraud case with this not reply birds your case!
So I've come to the Consumer Protection Officer
I dual citizenship! DBS as compensation for the loss of my money, blame me Singapore lawsuits accuse you DBS bank fraud take financial crimes!
ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉!
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC又違法羈押通輯抓我,是更彰顯電磁波威力嗎! 行為離譜明顯,我二位律師及女兒還有美甲廠商在場
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC electromagnetic mind control spy do a bad thing ROC電磁波腦控特務們,敢做就要敢為,怕什麼呀
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
2014年7月21日 星期一
ROC又違法羈押通輯抓我,是更彰顯電磁波威力嗎! 行為離譜明顯,我二位律師及女兒還有美甲廠商在場
ROC又違法羈押通輯抓我,是更彰顯電磁波威力嗎! 行為離譜明顯,我二位律師及女兒還有美甲廠商在場
div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
總之,ROC不合法流亡政腐,國際不承認,是真正的(玩私法犯法政腐)做生意買賣合同是:當下一簽字解除了合約=不欠任何的約期=不欠任何的費用,國泰世華銀行解約後第二日還退回我郵存帳號二千元呢!可是電磁波腦控政腐就是要財團跟我繼續討錢,繼續寄帳單狂打電話催繳長達五個月,逼我只好提告,他們政腐就有大紅包賺呢!其實20多年了,我知道是電磁波腦控曹大偉國安特務,故意要封鎖我信用好的名譽,沒有信用好就不能買房,不能周轉費用去學鋼琴 及我任何出國分期的機票費用,捷星航空媒體報導就是這樣來取笑我,知道我帶現金無信用卡,故意腦控空姊先為月餅小事來整我的錢包呢!曹大偉得逞用防害密秘罪不准我出國,沒關係我學佛看的很開,貪嗔癡啊,反正不能出國,也被電磁波特務腦控我店的客人,錢也不夠用,感情好誣告我防害你們私法人淹滅證據之陷阱陷害我的(防害密密罪)要錢是沒有喔!有ROC全民老板們買單供養我,裡面有吃有喝有住,何樂而不為呢 ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉! international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony! ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens, ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too! 遇到這國際不承認,無外交,這能設辦事處,不合法的ROC賊政腐,人民老闆們用(罷選)來開除這詐騙集團ROC政腐,天下太平了! ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔! 採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!http://youtu.be/s150of4z5vU
總之,ROC不合法流亡政腐,國際不承認,是真正的(玩私法犯法政腐)做生意買賣合同是:當下一簽字解除了合約=不欠任何的約期=不欠任何的費用,國泰世華銀行解約後第二日還退回我郵存帳號二千元呢!可是電磁波腦控政腐就是要財團跟我繼續討錢,繼續寄帳單狂打電話催繳長達五個月,逼我只好提告,他們政腐就有大紅包賺呢!其實20多年了,我知道是電磁波腦控曹大偉國安特務,故意要封鎖我信用好的名譽,沒有信用好就不能買房,不能周轉費用去學鋼琴 及我任何出國分期的機票費用,捷星航空媒體報導就是這樣來取笑我,知道我帶現金無信用卡,故意腦控空姊先為月餅小事來整我的錢包呢!曹大偉得逞用防害密秘罪不准我出國,沒關係我學佛看的很開,貪嗔癡啊,反正不能出國,也被電磁波特務腦控我店的客人,錢也不夠用,感情好誣告我防害你們私法人淹滅證據之陷阱陷害我的(防害密密罪)要錢是沒有喔!有ROC全民老板們買單供養我,裡面有吃有喝有住,何樂而不為呢 ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉! international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony! ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens, ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too! 遇到這國際不承認,無外交,這能設辦事處,不合法的ROC賊政腐,人民老闆們用(罷選)來開除這詐騙集團ROC政腐,天下太平了! ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔! 採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!http://youtu.be/s150of4z5vU
2014年7月19日 星期六
nnounced ROC fraud telephone system call recording number詐騙中華付費還催繳
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cam Dawei and monkey Aberdeen, let (CHT) has a cameo scams people use a lot of phone systems Laicui payment,
I already paid early My bills,
customer complaints Chunghwa Telecom 123, press 9 after , switchboard outrageous to call busy even one hour does not answer the phone, call recording afraid of it! , Customer service does not answer the phone, payment reminder calls on behalf of these scams is that the behavior of the state-run Chunghwa Telecom to you, thief shouting thief in the ROC,
nnounced fraud telephone system call recording number: 04 ~ 22941000,04 23244005,04 ~ ~ ~ 26821562,04 27049013,04 ~ 22,946,028, there are more lazy copy,
I paid early My bills
customer behavior is not connected the Chunghwa Telecom behavior that is deemed political rot = fraud, thief shouting thief is visible political rot it!
My friends suggested that:
Xiang Xiang:! Difficult at this stage to mention strike strike election election results is to let the dog how to choose how deep the party win back the regime, I think only the dissolution of the party dog party assets liquidation is a more feasible approach
7 hours ago · Like · Edited
Mei Feng Chang: 103 years of each election also say,
ROC corruption even, again a greedy people quitting acting to play together too long 103 years is not forever international higher status, do not be silly, election = can never admit ROC = Jianguo it!
ROC這電磁波腦控特務 曹大偉又耍猴仔,讓(中華電信公司)一直客串詐騙人民,使用很多的電話系統來催繳費,重點我的帳單早就付清,投訴中華電信客服123,按9後,總機離譜到 客服忙線中 竟然一個小時不接電話,怕客服錄音吧!,客服不接電話,代表這些詐騙電話催繳費的行為就是你們中華電信國營所為,做賊喊抓賊的ROC,
翔翔: 現階段提罷選有難度 罷選 結果就是讓狗冥黨怎樣選怎樣贏!我覺得唯有拿回政權解散狗黨清算黨產 是一個比較可行的方法
7小時前 · 已編輯 · 讚
Mei Feng Chang :103年每次選舉也這麼說,
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢!
2014年7月16日 星期三
ROC did not rule of law exile political I have freedom of speech! Why do...
ROC土匪沒法治流亡政腐!我有言論自由!你憑什麼一直封鎖我帳號!ROC bandits did not rule of law exile government rot! I have freedom of speech! Why do you have been blocked my account!
ROC let someone do my mom grave broken tree damageROC派人破壞我媽墳墓折斷樹
我媽媽昨晚托夢告訴我說:ROC讓人來破壞墳墓的樹木!結果是真的,明顯折斷呢!可誤極點那樹木名稱是(花財樹)耶!我才不怕你ROC電磁波腦控特務呢!我的地基,才能,證造,打得穩的很呢!又吃苦耐勞,哪像你們 ROC 偷 搶 騙 A只會整公民為樂!
ROC let someone do my mom grave broken tree damage
ROC let someone do my mom grave broken tree damage
2014年7月10日 星期四
Taiwan or the Republic of China, at the moment in the international comm...
持I-94入美 國籍正名為台灣
〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府二十日報導〕美國國土安全部日前表示,今後入境美國的台灣旅客所持有之I-94入境卡及美國的「全球自動通關計畫」,都不會再以「中國台灣」做為其國籍稱謂 ...
Philip Tseng
4 小时前
黃昆輝主席與台聯黨 及部分民進黨員 與台派認為台灣已經是主權獨立國家,
國家要件 : 1933年蒙特維多公約(Montevideo Convention)聲明 :
在國際法上的國家實體應該必須擁有以下條件:1 .人民、2 .領土、3 .政府、4 .外交權。
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Mei Feng Chang 与其他 8 个人赞了
Jron Chen 台灣人關心咱台灣的未來前途、命運與利益 !
台灣人獨立建國 解決一切問題!
台灣人關心咱台灣的未來前途、命運與利益 !
台灣人要獨立 頭一步 先自我思想武裝
從歷史經驗和教訓當中學習 台灣才能獨立
1945年10月 國民黨進入台灣、係依據麥帥第一號命令來台接收日軍受降
1949年3月美國中情局文件 指台灣地位未定http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/paper/686672
1950年6月27日 美國總統杜魯門表示,「台灣地位未定」
1952年4月28日舊金山和約生效,根據和約第6條,所有受降軍隊須於和約生效90天內撤出。(國民黨憑藉 「開羅 <謊> 言」竊據台灣至今。)
2007年8月30日 前白宮國安會 亞洲資深主任韋德寧說:「台灣或中華民國,此刻在國際社會中都不是一個國家。」
2小时前 · 取消 · 2
Jron Chen 中國的體制內是包括台灣在內,
United States or Japan or the United Nations to see, and ask them to dec...
ROC electromagnetic waves mind control to control my account liked ! originally election to go to the exigencies of! This week ROC been afraid to stop election propaganda Internet!
(1) let my JVC camcorder's V8 is about 120GB internal hard to burn, it was afraid when I go to election day, Taiping, Taichung citizen reporters when recording the votes ticket checkers yeah! Afraid of our people go (checked) do affect the ROC fake tickets to deceive the world yeah! Haoben Oh ROC government corruption, and now seems to be a great memory yeah! 120G seems to be more than that! 32G seems to have enough video day yeah! stupid just like a pig! unexpectedly JVC repair brain control vendors to buy internal hard to say $ 5,000NT, and now it is $ 550NT cheaper hard disk has to find yeah!
(2) and later burned my home an Extrapolation HDD computer, plug the power that the old need to burn a large 1TB hard drive, repair vendors want me to spend $ 20,000 yuan! I'm not an idiot ROC electromagnetic spy eat! 1TB HDD market now only $ 1899 NTyuan yeah! idiot to let you spend twenty thousand yuan ROC good!
(3)Control Tablet PC can not use pictures Videos
(4) I now monitor the connection status of the Friends of the Samsung tablet does not feed point (Firefox and IE browser) can not access, or is tripped Home!
Intolerable, had video evidence from countries around the world so that citizens see a joke ROC! Also full ROC of the world with contempt for political corruption
I like this article PO afraid!
National strike election day that! All the regional ballot recount, the number of recording with VCR and check acceptance to the election ticket!
Confirmed that no person, no people to support this political rot after video evidence of PO to take the
United States or Japan or the United Nations to see, and ask them to decide the status of Taiwan!
When they are not the United States Japan Taiwan, we declare Taiwan Nation!
Vote = acknowledge ROC, Administrative Officer fat, fat police, judicial fat people, fat separation of powers is not rotten political corruption it! Tragedy, brain control is shallow, election admitted ROC (how Taiwan independence)!
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/ support i-94 into the United States - the nationality of the Name of Taiwan-202952202.html
(3.) 之後又讓我平板雲端圖影片擋掉點不進!
(4,) 現在又監控我三星平板電腦友連線狀態點不進(火狐 及 IE瀏覽器)不能上網,不然就是跳開首頁!忍無可忍只好錄影起證據讓全世界各國公民看笑話!也請全世界公民一同鄙視ROC政腐
全民罷選那日!全部到選票各區域驗票、用錄影機錄影去選舉的人數及查驗收票!證實沒人選、沒人民支持這政腐後、拿錄影之證據PO到美國或日本或聯合國看、請他們來裁決台灣的地位!他們聯合國 美國 日本都不要台灣時、我們就申報台灣建國!
ROC electromagnetic waves mind control to control my account liked ! originally election to go to the exigencies of! This week ROC been afraid to stop election propaganda Internet!
(1) let my JVC camcorder's V8 is about 120GB internal hard to burn, it was afraid when I go to election day, Taiping, Taichung citizen reporters when recording the votes ticket checkers yeah! Afraid of our people go (checked) do affect the ROC fake tickets to deceive the world yeah! Haoben Oh ROC government corruption, and now seems to be a great memory yeah! 120G seems to be more than that! 32G seems to have enough video day yeah! stupid just like a pig! unexpectedly JVC repair brain control vendors to buy internal hard to say $ 5,000NT, and now it is $ 550NT cheaper hard disk has to find yeah!
(2) and later burned my home an Extrapolation HDD computer, plug the power that the old need to burn a large 1TB hard drive, repair vendors want me to spend $ 20,000 yuan! I'm not an idiot ROC electromagnetic spy eat! 1TB HDD market now only $ 1899 NTyuan yeah! idiot to let you spend twenty thousand yuan ROC good!
(3)Control Tablet PC can not use pictures Videos
(4) I now monitor the connection status of the Friends of the Samsung tablet does not feed point (Firefox and IE browser) can not access, or is tripped Home!
Intolerable, had video evidence from countries around the world so that citizens see a joke ROC! Also full ROC of the world with contempt for political corruption
I like this article PO afraid!
National strike election day that! All the regional ballot recount, the number of recording with VCR and check acceptance to the election ticket!
Confirmed that no person, no people to support this political rot after video evidence of PO to take the
United States or Japan or the United Nations to see, and ask them to decide the status of Taiwan!
When they are not the United States Japan Taiwan, we declare Taiwan Nation!
Vote = acknowledge ROC, Administrative Officer fat, fat police, judicial fat people, fat separation of powers is not rotten political corruption it! Tragedy, brain control is shallow, election admitted ROC (how Taiwan independence)!
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/ support i-94 into the United States - the nationality of the Name of Taiwan-202952202.html
(3.) 之後又讓我平板雲端圖影片擋掉點不進!
(4,) 現在又監控我三星平板電腦友連線狀態點不進(火狐 及 IE瀏覽器)不能上網,不然就是跳開首頁!忍無可忍只好錄影起證據讓全世界各國公民看笑話!也請全世界公民一同鄙視ROC政腐
全民罷選那日!全部到選票各區域驗票、用錄影機錄影去選舉的人數及查驗收票!證實沒人選、沒人民支持這政腐後、拿錄影之證據PO到美國或日本或聯合國看、請他們來裁決台灣的地位!他們聯合國 美國 日本都不要台灣時、我們就申報台灣建國!
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