2014年7月27日 星期日

Find a consumer protection official mediation filing DBS eat my principa...

iframe width 480 height 270 src http://www.youtube.com/embed/RTbuu_dugSI frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>告星展銀行吃我本金詐欺罪,在消保官調解被案!我不要送件到金管會!該金管會是騙人的!國泰世華詐欺案跟本都不回信鳥你案件!

Report DBS Bank eat my principal Fraud, mediation was the case in the consumer protection official! I do not want a delivery to a FSC The FSC is a lie! The Cathay fraud case with this not reply birds your case!
So I've come to the Consumer Protection Officer
I dual citizenship! DBS as compensation for the loss of my money, blame me Singapore lawsuits accuse you DBS bank fraud take financial crimes!

ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉!

international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!

ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,

ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!


ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!

採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!


