2014年8月29日 星期五

ROC Falsely accused sentenced me sin District Prosecutors private law, N...

ROC Falsely accused sentenced me sin District Prosecutors private law, No had  cover the court seal
Nothing has cover the court seal !
Day No had informed me, No notification letterin , What this day the
judgment is what !Roar! Play private law! Afraid I reported to the
International Tribunal is not it!
 Not  cover seal!

judicial gone back, blatant I have witness, witnesses (my lawyer) and
(my daughter) , and the video evidence, judgment in court when the
fourth time (falsely accused me obstruction secret) sin ended July / 30,
the the Tribunal said :( I acquitted)!

Afterwards! They illegally send No has cover seal private letters to me,
Private letters verdict falsely accused I am guilty!

Taichung District Prosecutors announced that 7/30 date in court
acquitted the fourth time judgment decisions video ,will hit their own
slap in the face Oh!!

Video evidence at hand will not  give you
the ROC!I become wise this time I absolutely reserved to give defend the
Constitution of the International Tribunal for it!

I have been
National Security (Cao Dawei) use electromagnetic waves mind control and
continue playing the entire body during on August, of course, announce
tell citizens,

Not to the elections! fired not has rule of law in
ROC governance corruption! private law and play me once again, send no
stamp (Taichung District Court) of the documents seal of letters say I
am guilty!

Yes can! I'll get 20 years ago (Cao Dawei National
Security) psychological language use electromagnetic waves mind control
unit the entire in my body, set me up to (mental hospital the
certificate) to play the fool on with you Wanla! Come Wanla! Come off me
prison it! let ROC cultivate, after the International Tribunal
proceedings to let you lose a lot of money ROC Rights!With you piay it!

8/20日No had通知我出庭,請問這日判決是什麼審判啊!吼!玩私法!怕我告到國際法庭是嗎!not dare  cover seal!

ROC出爾反爾的司法,明目張膽我有證人, witnesses(我律師)及(我女兒)二人,及錄影證據,7月/30日第四次出庭審判(誣告我妨害秘密)罪結束時,法庭內說:(我判無罪)!




  Yes can!我就去拿20多年以前(曹大偉國安)用電磁波腦控心理語言機整我身體,陷害我去(精神病院的證明書)來跟你們裝瘋賣傻玩啦!來玩啦!來關我監牢啦!讓ROC cultivate,之後訴訟到國際法庭讓你們ROC賠大錢啦!!跟你們piay啦!

2014年8月22日 星期五

ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Coll...

ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,
This receipt! Proves government fraud, also confirmed the ROC controlled electromagnetic brain drain fillings, and this political corruption is the use of electromagnetic brain controlled chaos bullying citizens, two of the party has been bold wonder emptied the treasury, because there are electromagnetic mind control systems of crime!,
ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,




超你媽,電磁波ROC政腐 超你媽水利局,敢做不敢為,現在一直阻止我上傳YouTube第三集,自來水公司詐騙帳單說明,他們以為政腐腦控照著就不怕,俗辣,有種再控喔!你們控制的每一幕我都錄影存證了,越控表示越是俗剌,孬種! 片名,網址都有跳出來,
(ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me),

2014年8月19日 星期二

ROC ! Shit fuck!

ROC Stop Allowed me Making friends, FB friends men girls foreign friends, all the dialogue is not the message, all control my IP location, fuck ROC!  

ROC不准我交友,FB網友男人 女生 外國朋友們,全都不能對話留言,全部控制我的IP位置、

fuck ROC!

Taiwanese election after the strike, fired a total kick this political rot ROC, how to join the United Nations  


 National strike election, perhaps next to your wife or daughter,By ROC NSA spy In love, will like me Like epigenetic Miserable too!    



  PS:不合法的外交部故意配合曹大偉國安 違憲故意利用 誣告我的(防害密秘罪)也出信件不准我出國出海控制我人身自由!



2014年8月11日 星期一


http://youtu.be/CVee1nlu-98     ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,卻又整我店的水量,買通自來水公司,故意調水壓,下午我生意很好,ROCK邪惡勢力電磁波無視我有繳水費,竟然讓自來水公司調低水壓量,讓我不能做生意,客人就不能沖水洗頭,之前整我水很骯髒有沙子客戶沖水有沙子,而且這水龍頭也PO過在網路上,水壓相當大,竟在今天午時我生意好時,竟然水噴頭突然的水壓不足,連水槽也是一樣呢!真的是精神病到末期,老娘有付費,你們這土匪政腐竟然病的不輕,那就公佈世界,讓世界來鄙視這不合法的流亡政腐啦!

ROC lost! Trap false judicial proceedings harm my people break the law sin flooded destroy evidence, ROC announced lose fear of losing face scared, 

 I has paid Already this year ,But ROC still the blockade my site! 

  They fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it! 

  That site is dedicated to exposing crime with ROC website, I must let the world despise them offense, the CCP organ harvesting was announced after do not the dare Dig pick, 

so Oh, announced offense electromagnetic ROC political rot!

     ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,又封鎖我以經付費智邦10年的網址! 那網址是專門揭發ROC犯罪用的網站,卻被ROC封鎖,他們怕被公佈呢!認識知恥這字如何寫呢!,我一定要讓全世界鄙視他們的罪行,中共摘器官被公佈後就不敢摘了,所以喔,全民公佈犯法電磁波ROC政腐!請世界鄙視他們!


2014年8月8日 星期五

ROC fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!

ROC lost! Trap false judicial proceedings harm my people break the law sin flooded destroy evidence, ROC announced lose fear of losing face scared,
I has paid Already this year ,But ROC still the blockade my site!
They fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!
That site is dedicated to exposing crime with ROC website, I must let the world despise them offense, the CCP organ harvesting was announced after do not the dare Dig pick,
so Oh, announced offense electromagnetic ROC political rot!
ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,又封鎖我以經付費智邦10年的網址! 那網址是專門揭發ROC犯罪用的網站,卻被ROC封鎖,他們怕被公佈呢!認識知恥這字如何寫呢!,我一定要讓全世界鄙視他們的罪行,中共摘器官被公佈後就不敢摘了,所以喔,全民公佈犯法電磁波ROC政腐!請世界鄙視他們!


2014年8月6日 星期三

ROC Last night electromagnetic mind control and therefore harm my feet t...


Last night electromagnetic mind control and therefore harm my feet twisted


2014年8月2日 星期六

ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...

ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults


ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...

ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults


ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...

ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults



ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults


