2014年8月8日 星期五

ROC fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!

ROC lost! Trap false judicial proceedings harm my people break the law sin flooded destroy evidence, ROC announced lose fear of losing face scared,
I has paid Already this year ,But ROC still the blockade my site!
They fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!
That site is dedicated to exposing crime with ROC website, I must let the world despise them offense, the CCP organ harvesting was announced after do not the dare Dig pick,
so Oh, announced offense electromagnetic ROC political rot!
ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,又封鎖我以經付費智邦10年的網址! 那網址是專門揭發ROC犯罪用的網站,卻被ROC封鎖,他們怕被公佈呢!認識知恥這字如何寫呢!,我一定要讓全世界鄙視他們的罪行,中共摘器官被公佈後就不敢摘了,所以喔,全民公佈犯法電磁波ROC政腐!請世界鄙視他們!

