2015年7月31日 星期五

SOS! I need help! I asked the rescue, please contact me greatly who hel...

R O C government framed me, I am the victim of little people,
Please contact the World Association of Human Rights and save me , My line ID:changmeifeng68
我是被政府陷阱陷害的小小市民, 請世界人權協會救我聯絡我!
Is R O C government framed me, I am the victim of little people,
Please contact the World Association of Human Rights and save me , My line ID:changmeifeng68
我是被政府陷阱陷害的小小市民, 請世界人權協會救我聯絡我
SOS! I need help! I asked the rescue, please contact me greatly who help me how to sue lawsuit ROC,
The R O C has been a serious violation of human rights of the Constitution ! After unconstitutional control threatened to sue me do blackmail false miscarriage of justice, the Constitutional Court with discipline at all push the case do not apply, are also blocked my flat IP position, do not let me announce to the world for help, I go abroad on August 8,
My daughter has replacement The new one Taiwan Passport ,
But the Ministry of Interior Still the Repeal abolition of the nationality of my daughter

Will the Minister of the Interior You are violate the Constitution ah! Taiwan is to recognize dual nationality!


ROC Judicial Yuan discipline at
Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission all push the case,

he said it was not their management, civil service offense of dereliction of duty is not their responsibility, which with the Constitutional Court at the Judicial Disciplinary waste department of state assets should also be closed early,
1, Taichung District Prosecutors say: Let me do a miscarriage of justice is to explain the Legislative Yuan,
2, Taichung Taiping Household Registration Office, said: Taiwan nationality letters my daughter with health insurance card, by the Ministry of the Interior accountable yeah this purpose obviously would not let me leave the country,!
Chao, you people use the Constitution to protect their judicial career, your government unconstitutional, then of course I want you to use a lot of money to pay the government the constitutional human rights horse it! I can not divide, all to the World Association of Human Rights when the fund only hope that American politics Phi protect me and my daughter it! Greater than the legal position is based on the Constitution, I am all to the World Association of Human Rights to deal with!

2、台中太平戶政事務所說:封我女兒台灣國籍跟健保卡,是由內政部交代的耶! 這目地明顯不准我出境,


A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution! ^^ deserved s all wrong! ROC still shameless
Utilize Utilize the Constitution to protect their positions Gouguan! entirely the judicial is a problem, No three powers discrete, even with official protection official crimes everything fraud People!,
we citizens do not come out,
peoples inspectors together government corruption in politics we call the shots!


Sui and friends: 20 years my observation of the consistent use of judicial persecution of dissident Ma Ying - jeou?!
To incite hatred, lies fraud, ruled Taiwan?!

網友 陳瑞和 :20年來我對馬的觀察 ,馬英九一貫利用司法迫害異己?!
以煽動仇恨,謊言詐騙,統治台灣 ?!

2015年7月30日 星期四

司法院懲戒處騙人推案R O C Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission all ...

ROC Judicial Yuan discipline at

Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission all push the case,

he said it was not their management, civil service offense of dereliction of duty is not their responsibility, which with the Constitutional Court at the Judicial Disciplinary waste department of state assets should also be closed early,
1, Taichung District Prosecutors say: Let me do a miscarriage of justice is to explain the Legislative Yuan,
2, Taichung Taiping Household Registration Office, said: Taiwan nationality letters my daughter with health insurance card, by the Ministry of the Interior accountable yeah this purpose obviously would not let me leave the country,!
   Chao, you people use the Constitution to protect their judicial career, your government unconstitutional, then of course I want you to use a lot of money to pay the government the constitutional human rights horse it! I can not divide, all to the World Association of Human Rights when the fund only hope that American politics Phi protect me and my daughter it! Greater than the legal position is based on the Constitution, I am all to the World Association of Human Rights to deal with!

2、台中太平戶政事務所說:封我女兒台灣國籍跟健保卡,是由內政部交代的耶! 這目地明顯不准我出境,


2015年7月27日 星期一

台灣植壞我牙風波ITaiwan Sik teeth framed me, I should go back to Malaysia Sik...

Taiwan Sik teeth framed me, I Caesarean in Malaysia without stitches,which even think I should go back to Malaysia implant it,

這樣的ROC政府公民還願意支持嗎!這次選舉大家含淚選,可瓦解電磁波腦控 K M T 政腐,之後大家再來研究台獨正名台灣國際身份地位,







2015年7月26日 星期日

凡是與政腐議員扯上關係的店!千萬不要去R O C government (dentist shop) Do not go

告知批政的公民們:Notify citizen reporters are: all Members have anything to do with the R O C government (dentist shop) Do not go!

2015年7月21日 星期二

Constitutional Court case eat unconstitutional article 16 of the Constit...


This Judicial Yuan (the Constitutional Court) to prepare and eat Case unconstitutional article 16 of the Constitution it! 這 司法院(憲法法庭)準備又要吃案違憲第16條憲法啦!
從104年3月19日親自送件至司法院憲法法庭,台中地檢藐視憲法3月26日仍抓我做­冤獄,之間憲法庭卻不通知台中女監解救提我出庭,故讓我坐冤獄三個月,則我出獄後連絡­這憲法法庭李明晃書記官,他指使我用E-mail方式再送件,並寄檔案讓我填寫,我也­寄出,竟半個多月後又通知我不可用 E-mail方式送件, ROC,你們是故意又要不辦案違憲第16條嗎!讓國際處理就讓你們賠五億喔!

104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Office) disci...

104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Of
A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution! ^^ deserved s all wrong! ROC still shameless
Utilize Utilize the Constitution to protect their positions Gouguan! entirely the judicial is a problem, No three powers discrete, even with official protection official crimes everything fraud People!,

we citizens do not come out to promote the people's referendum! peoples inspectors together government corruption in politics we call the shots!

Sui and friends: 20 years my observation of the consistent use of judicial persecution of dissident Ma Ying - jeou?!
To incite hatred, lies fraud, ruled Taiwan?!

網友 陳瑞和 :20年來我對馬的觀察 ,馬英九一貫利用司法迫害異己?!
以煽動仇恨,謊言詐騙,統治台灣 ?!

楊晨, 常曉
最後更新 15.07.2015 22:16

美國國會議員指中國 對西藏政策等同種族滅絕





I Lawsuit The Cathay Pacific Financial group
of Lawsuit caused by ROC judicial falsely accused me justice against being falsely accused people Prosecutors Office to prosecute fraud extortion me to do a miscarriage of justice, in 104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Office) disciplined! If not addressed, will be given to the World Association of Human Rights! Punishment Ordinance!

關於控告訴訟國泰財團引起R O C司法人誣告我,反被司法人地檢處誣告起訴詐騙恐嚇勒索我去做冤獄,於104年7月20日送件到(司法院 懲戒處)處分了!如不處理,則交給世界人權協會了!處罰條例之!

國庫104年空 空 控!以為腦控國際集團會再幫你們KMT嗎?空那麼久腦控所也幫不了啦!吃屎吧!
開除中華冥國R O C,違憲的黨只適合黨產歸公處置啦!全民執政全民公投可,開國民大會為止!

2015年7月13日 星期一

Constitutional Court case eat unconstitutional article 16 of the Constit...

This Judicial Yuan (the Constitutional Court) to prepare and eat Case unconstitutional article 16 of the Constitution it!
這 司法院(憲法法庭)準備又要吃案違憲第16條憲法啦!
從104年3月19日親自送件至司法院憲法法庭,台中地檢藐視憲法3月26日仍抓我做冤獄,之間憲法庭卻不通知台中女監解救提我出庭,故讓我坐冤獄三個月,則我出獄後連絡這憲法法庭李明晃書記官,他指使我用E-mail方式再送件,並寄檔案讓我填寫,我也寄出,竟半個多月後又通知我不可用 E-mail方式送件, ROC,你們是故意又要不辦案違憲第16條嗎!讓國際處理就讓你們賠五億喔!

2015年7月10日 星期五


ROC Taiwan recognize dual nationality ,But cheated my daughter to lure our Citizen a crime! (On) sets!




ROC Taiwan recognize dual nationality ,But cheated my daughter to lure our Citizen a crime! (On) sets!

