2015年7月21日 星期二

104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Office) disci...

104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Of
A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution! ^^ deserved s all wrong! ROC still shameless
Utilize Utilize the Constitution to protect their positions Gouguan! entirely the judicial is a problem, No three powers discrete, even with official protection official crimes everything fraud People!,

we citizens do not come out to promote the people's referendum! peoples inspectors together government corruption in politics we call the shots!

Sui and friends: 20 years my observation of the consistent use of judicial persecution of dissident Ma Ying - jeou?!
To incite hatred, lies fraud, ruled Taiwan?!

網友 陳瑞和 :20年來我對馬的觀察 ,馬英九一貫利用司法迫害異己?!
以煽動仇恨,謊言詐騙,統治台灣 ?!

楊晨, 常曉
最後更新 15.07.2015 22:16

美國國會議員指中國 對西藏政策等同種族滅絕





I Lawsuit The Cathay Pacific Financial group
of Lawsuit caused by ROC judicial falsely accused me justice against being falsely accused people Prosecutors Office to prosecute fraud extortion me to do a miscarriage of justice, in 104 years July 20 submittals to (the Judicial Disciplinary Office) disciplined! If not addressed, will be given to the World Association of Human Rights! Punishment Ordinance!

關於控告訴訟國泰財團引起R O C司法人誣告我,反被司法人地檢處誣告起訴詐騙恐嚇勒索我去做冤獄,於104年7月20日送件到(司法院 懲戒處)處分了!如不處理,則交給世界人權協會了!處罰條例之!

國庫104年空 空 控!以為腦控國際集團會再幫你們KMT嗎?空那麼久腦控所也幫不了啦!吃屎吧!
開除中華冥國R O C,違憲的黨只適合黨產歸公處置啦!全民執政全民公投可,開國民大會為止!

