2015年12月16日 星期三

Stop election expelled ROC 罢选开除ROC,这样的违宪违法违反人权,公民们还不自决60%罢选开除政腐!

Stop election expelled ROC,罢选开除ROC!
A FOR CONSTITUTIONAL state does not Followed keep the the Constitution! ^^ deserved s all wrong! ROC still shameless
Utilize Utilize the Constitution to protect their positions Gouguan! entirely the judicial is a problem, No three powers discrete, even with official protection official crimes everything fraud People!,

we citizens do not come out to promote the people's referendum! peoples inspectors together government corruption in politics we call the shots公家機關全被藍營電磁波腦控掌控犯罪!一個憲制國家不守憲法!^^該當何罪!ROC還不要臉利用了憲法保護自己狗官職位!全部是司法出了問題,三權不分立,詐欺人民一切一切!、大家公民們還不快出來推廣人民公投!人民督察政腐一同參政大家做主!

Sui and friends: 20 years my observation of the consistent use of judicial persecution of dissident Ma Ying - jeou?!
To incite hatred, lies fraud, ruled Taiwan?!

網友 陳瑞和 :20年來我對馬的觀察 ,馬英九一貫利用司法迫害異己?!
以煽動仇恨,謊言詐騙,統治台灣 ?!,这样的违宪违法违反人权,请问你们公民还愿意选举,就算选举国际也不可能给你们ROC在联合国名份,因为不守国际法规,宪法,司法院,逞戒处,宪法法庭是骗世界做戏的地方。我不投诉我不叫张美风。你们继续用电磁波来整我呀!越整我是越勇的走着瞧!


