2012年12月25日 星期二

Secretly record the Independent Commission Against Corruption dialogue ...

偷錄廉政公署對話,失望啊!大失所望!Steal the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) were recorded dialogue disappointed! Disappointed!
    The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in Taiwan is fake? Corruption lawsuit this? The ICAC Department to prize this廉政公署真辦案?真給獎金嗎?????
      我多少案件檢察官卻(他字案號,未 經過偵查 ,未變成偵字案號),就擅自寄公文吃案判無罪,不按司法程序,官護官,連偵查都沒偵查自說自唱就結案!超,.等到(起訴)後可發獎金????想的美,做夢喔!..我有打電話去廉政署並投訴還告訴他我不要獎金錢,只要辦案處理這台中檢察官 法官 檢察長貪瀆大王.且過程錄了音,但感覺(廉政公署)口氣準備推案,,反正我們試目以待!
Referendum any demonstrations available whiteboard write in black on a motorcycle, and inform the public!
      Yesterday 2012/12/24 (free Daily) front page (ICAC) by the People a complaint (judicial corruption), 2 million bonus after indictment, you can collar; Do you believe this????
        How many cases prosecutors are (his word case number, not after the investigation, did not become the the word enforcement case number) unauthorized Send documents (eating case acquitted), and not by judicial process, the official guard official, even the investigators failed investigation since said since singing on closed! super bonuses can wait until after the (prosecution)???? want beauty, dreaming Oh .. I have a call go against the Department and the complaint also told him that I do not prize money, as long as the case-handling process Taichung prosecutors judges Attorney corruption king and the process recorded the sound, but I feel ready to push (ICAC) tone case, anyway, we regard to be objective!

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in Taiwan is fake? ...


      我多少案件檢察官卻(他字案號,未 經過偵查 ,未變成偵字案號),就擅自寄公文吃案判無罪,不按司法程序,官護官,連偵查都沒偵查自說自唱就結案!超,.等到(起訴)後可發獎金????想的美,做夢喔!..我有打電話去廉政署並投訴還告訴他我不要獎金錢,只要辦案處理這台中檢察官 法官 檢察長貪瀆大王.且過程錄了音,但感覺(廉政公署)口氣準備推案,,反正我們視目以待!
Referendum any demonstrations available whiteboard write in black on a motorcycle, and inform the public!
      Yesterday 2012/12/24 (free Daily) front page (ICAC) by the People a complaint (judicial corruption), 2 million bonus after indictment, you can collar; Do you believe this????
        How many cases prosecutors are (his word case number, not after the investigation, did not become the the word enforcement case number) unauthorized Send documents (eating case acquitted), and not by judicial process, the official guard official, even the investigators failed investigation since said since singing on closed! super bonuses can wait until after the (prosecution)???? want beauty, dreaming Oh .. I have a call go against the Department and the complaint also told him that I do not prize money, as long as the case-handling process Taichung prosecutors judges Attorney corruption king and the process recorded the sound, but I feel ready to push (ICAC) tone case, anyway, we regard to be objective!

2012年12月12日 星期三

the kmt put spells to fix me, causing me a pile after another 20 years l...

the kmt afraid shame! a tear cut (strike horse) and (judges the eating case) list demonstrators flag! tore up it! Can I use ab glue to stick the stickers! see you Gouguan how tear! paste your whole life in front of friends and familysuppressed forever! eat case look at links you Gouguan large head and face the keywords! let the whole world to make fun of you breaking the law Gouguan! kmt put character lawsuit 20 years Dabu Wan

2012年12月8日 星期六

100 8834 超F K!警察流氓違憲!亂打人!告死牠!全民開除牠! http://youtu.be/LwXdo6cZnxs Super FK! Police rogue unconstitutional! A Cookin people! It divisions dead! Universal expelled from it! http://youtu.be/LwXdo6cZnxs Recorded evidence! Fast accuse them of criminal law assault! The outrageous police deadlift Professor Cai from the chariot down, so that the whole person falls under the car, now the National Taiwan University Hospital emergency room. Kay Road by Cheng Kwong pastor to lead the people of Taiwan save flat Volunteers in the confrontation with the police, I hope everyone as soon as possible to spread the message, and quickly went to the Kay Road solidarity with. http://youtu.be/C0z1y789zBo Remember to bring a demonstration video recorder of recorded, there is legitimate self-defense stun guns! These Huqungoudang as to catch people carrying people report they Penal Code (Obstruction of the personal freedom of the crime)! Recorded certificate Oh! Constitution is greater than the law! Law is greater than the command! any (command) only greater than (local Law)! including presidential command, including the of each judicial bar exam certificates subject! demonstrations today (Constitution Article 22) (contradict to the law) when! always Constitution winner! Chen Shui-bian in power when demonstrators or permit system! dog party Red Army is the use of the above national system of regulations to force demonstrators!有錄下證據!快告他們刑法傷害罪! 蠻橫警方把蔡教授從戰車上硬拉下來,以致整個人跌落車下,現正在台大醫院急診室中。 凱道現由鄭國忠牧師帶領台灣人救扁義勇軍與警方對峙中,希望大家儘快把訊息傳播出去,趕緊前往凱道聲援。 http://youtu.be/C0z1y789zBo 示威時 記的要帶錄影機,密錄器,還有合法自衛電擊棒!這些狐群狗黨如趕­人 抬人 告牠們刑法 (妨害人身自由罪)!要錄證喔!憲法大於法律!法律大於命令!任­何的(命令)只 大於 (地方法制)!包括總統命令在內!這是每位司法人律師考試證照其­中一題目!  今天(憲法第22條)示威遊行當(抵觸到法律)時!永遠都是憲法­贏家!阿扁執政那時示威還是許可制!狗黨KMT紅軍就是利用以上國制法­規來強行示威的! 

2012年11月28日 星期三

【關鍵時刻2200】北京城幾萬公里大肅殺 美日第七艦隊利劍軍演之謎

Really yeah! The Ma International (simple-minded)! Also taught bad Chinese Communists with varying international (simple-minded)!
Our Taiwanese When the the nursery classes 60 years ago to scare!
This media is bad enough! Need to go reread class (community college logic courses), fighting a war hit war! Afraid! Communist China to provoke Japan also equal to mess with the sovereignty of the United States! Also equal to provoke a joint army! Rotten weapon in If I were American Big Brother world Challenge! dog to kmt party! (simple-minded) together!! must invite the coalition forces, jointly disintegrate killed by the Chinese Communists, the joint occupation of hypocrisy not the legal system of the Chinese Communist Party, to win to win half of the country of China, and foreign debt owed to China, they do not also hit the Chinese Communists changed democracy date! (why not!) It was a good, 真的耶!The Ma國際(笨笨)!還教壞中共一起變國際(笨笨)!把我們台灣人當60年前的幼幼班來嚇!這媒體有夠爛!因該好好再去研讀上個(社會大學邏輯科),打戰就打戰嗎!誰怕誰! 中共你惹了日本也等於惹了美國主權!也等於惹了聯合軍!爛武器在向全世界挑戰!與狗ˇˇkmt黨!(笨笨)聚在一起了!假如我是美國大哥!一定邀請聯軍,共同瓦解打死中共,聯合佔領這虛偽沒法制的中共,打贏奪取中國一半國土,並且欠中國的外債也不用還了!打到中共改民主為止!(何樂而不為呢!)這真是賺錢好機會!太好了

2012年11月24日 星期六

Traitor1974 分享 馬英九 (蛆長) 拒達賴來台 | 一向對馬蛆長讚賞有加的恩師孔傑榮(Jerome A. Cohen)因為馬蛆長以反恐為理由,且「誹謗沒有證據」, 拒絕讓熱比婭訪台而生氣了。http://f.blog. - #hppgus

Traitor1974 分享 馬英九 (蛆長) 拒達賴來台 | 一向對馬蛆長讚賞有加的恩師孔傑榮(Jerome A. Cohen)因為馬蛆長以反恐為理由,且「誹謗沒有證據」, 拒絕讓熱比婭訪台而生氣了。http://f.blog. - #hppgus  
  • ibi2009pc  
    超!狗黨你們有違法,違憲,調察局撐腰!我們可是有人民公敵來對付你們狗官!The Ma 笨笨笨笨笨笨現世到了喔!放符詐騙大集團KMT狗黨全部瓦解,半個都不准留!全是狼心狗肺!瓦解!全民起義瓦解!(邪教他心通法術IP警察)處斬!
    我送黑錢 77 萬元給勞退基金換來的400張華豐 國安基金是否可以為特定的上市公司護盤?股市主力可以用黑錢收買四大基金的操盤人嗎?
    國 安基金可為特定公司護盤,民國90年,我還在南部一家做衛材的上市公司擔任老闆的私人助理,工作是幫他處理股票的進出。那時間,許多上市公司因維繫股價, 買超許多股票,資金調度吃緊,而政府終於啟動了國安基金進場護盤。有天收盤前,老闆買進指示我掛出三百多張股票,在高價等成交,幾分鐘後,
    盤 面突然被敲進一筆市價買進單,計算這筆市價大買單大約五百張。往後接連十天的收盤前,我們都會將股票掛在高價等這位「神秘買家」瘋狂敲進三至五百張,幫我 們出貨。老闆不小心說出:「那是國安基金!」公司老董託高姓立委去找財政部長顏慶章利用國安基金進場時間幫忙護盤。這一家族至今在政壇都很活躍的立委告訴 老董:「顏慶章的桌上擺了七、八支手機……」我不曉得國安基金的召集人財政部長操起盤來,還要學股市裡的無賴作手用一堆人頭號碼
    是 要防監聽嗎……我當時的股市的階層只能查到這裡,但是我有個體認:我們當時公司的20億股本絕,絕不是國安基金為挽救金融危機,應該進場拉抬的權值股標 的;若是國安基金的監督機制避免不了這樣的公器私用,掌管這幾千億資金的人,必定還有更多暗渡陳倉的舞弊。國安基金最近的進出資料,縱使以種種安全理由推 諉不能公開,但是多年前的歷史買賣明細,不敢公開的唯一理由是幹了壞事,買不該買的股票──我就是見證人!
    92 年1月27日,由券商主管介紹的一家壽險法人對轉了華豐股票400張,當天下午三時,我請助理親送買進金額的10%回扣77萬元給仲介人。但是這一天的交 易讓古董張相當不悅,因為公司派的賣單掛出許久後,聽指示進場法人的買單總是慢約三分鐘才敲進,讓散戶的賣壓都出籠了,有點慢幾拍的操作……買進指令感覺 好似透過好多手中間人才傳遞才到法人經理人!古董張取消了這家壽險公司後幾天的交易,否則後頭可能還會有數千張的轉單出貨生意。
    那 年的華豐股東會前夕,公司董事長顏明善親到我辦公室,要求我轉告可能是我帶進來炒股的「勞保基金」所持有的40萬股委託書交給他。當時勞保基金管理委員會 答覆是:會依規定支持原任的公司董監事。直到97年底,我對照已起訴的華豐炒股案卷宗,其中「勞保基金」持有的40萬股華豐股買進,就是我在華豐炒作中, 於92年1月27日幫古董張用錢收買的法人,在交易所的資料上顯示的是「勞退保誠」──收黑錢的法人,竟是由「保誠投信」代操的
    我 曾將四大基金收賄調查交法院和名嘴,我在94年8月後,開始和高檢署查黑中心合作偵查四大基金的貪污線索,雖該秘密行動小組成員兩年後已解散,但是我仍將 此「勞退基金收賄」事件還有我幫查黑中心臥底偵查的經過寫成陳報狀,在98年3月17日陳報到高等法院的審理庭上;我計劃在更一審時,在法庭上公開所有秘 密文件。遽料,華豐炒股案從此不再開庭,最高法院直接駁回,創下台灣第一起未發回更審的違反證交法案例,
    這 份給法院的陳報狀,我在送進法院的前二天深夜,在也在八德路的TVBS樓下親交給很受景仰的立委邱毅先生,還多附上查黑中心的「政府基金收賄白手套名 單」。如果他當時肯稍用點心來調查,建立好完善的政府基金委外代操的監督機制,到99年、還會有謝青良那夥基金經理人拿退撫、勞退、勞保三大退休基金去搞 「盈正案」嗎?下回來談那份「政府基金收賄白手套名單」的內容。 (angry) (angry) (angry) (angry)

2012年11月22日 星期四


(angry) 各位會算帳的好友達人!現狗黨又 整弄欺侮我 8年前買的 (汎亞銀改為寶華又改為(星展銀行)房屋貸款利息變成無理的高息)!那有人付8年多的房子(利息與本金)跟剛買的一樣費用!簽約20年那我8年多的本金還 到那裡去!請指教!告訴我現在銀行是否還是跟郵局房貸款利率上下走!感恩不盡!因我被A咯一年!今年明顯不敢寄月報表給我!可見污點!

2012年11月16日 星期五

不管二黨願不願推行,(人民先斬後奏)團結一起先提出公投人選,(人民總統),促使,你,他,他第一位(公投總統誕生), www.facebook.com/bibi2009pc: Taiwan and China does not have a "state-to-state" relationship? (To celebrate the Republic of China "subjugation" 101-year series of 71)

不管二黨願不願推行,(人民先斬後奏)團結一起先提出公投人選,(人民總統),促使,你,他,他第一位(公投總統誕生), www.facebook.com/bibi2009pc: Taiwan and China does not have a "state-to-state" relationship? (To celebrate the Republic of China "subjugation" 101-year series of 71)  

Taiwan and China does not have a "state-to-state" relationship? (To celebrate the Republic of China "subjugation" 101-year series of 71)








Liao Dongqing designed bar / Taiwan and China does not have a "state-to-state" relationship? (To celebrate the Republic of China "subjugation" 101-year series of 71)

    Wu Poh-hsiung in the year (31 July 2012), led a delegation to China to attend the 8th of cross-strait trade and cultural forum between the country say the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Chairman Jia Qinglin thrown in his speech, clear that the two sides belong to one China, speak more clearly the world is "cross-strait relations is not state-to-state relations", and can not recognize the country of the two sides, one country refers to the Republic of China, especially in China does not like one of the table, because it makes the world mistakenly thought the two absurd error like India, China is also thought as long as the sojourn of the Republic of China in Taiwan acknowledges sides belong to one country, is an indirect recognition of the status of the Government of the Republic of China, no longer sit equal level with the Chinese state-to-state relationship become a province of China, coupled with China in the international 41 years since spared no effort to advocacy with Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese since ancient times part of the propaganda.

Next signed a "cross-strait peace agreement" and Ma Ying-jeou, As for the follow-up to the receiver Taiwan, China may intend had appealed to the international court will come up with the elected leaders of the Republic of China, Ma Ying-jeou autographed cross-strait peace agreement, asked the international court to recognize the legality and legitimacy of this cross-strait peace agreement, Taiwan really will become a part of China.? Things do not like to think so smooth As for the United Nations, China is not brave enough to have any requirements in the United Nations as early as in 1971, China has just joined the United Nations, asked the United Nations Secretariat, to the world notice, Taiwan China's part? The Secretariat asked the Chinese to come up with proof of Taiwan's sovereignty, just take out China's request, the Secretariat will be according to the resolution, from 1971 to 2012 this year, 41 years, "China" still remain unable to get out "has" proof of Taiwan's sovereignty out!

Even if China had appealed to the international court, while trying to evade United Nations, the International Tribunal will not be biased in favor of any party, of course, will not let the party said the job done, this is a must bring it to draw the physical evidence and witnesses to the last international court will want to come up with "out with" proof of Taiwan's sovereignty, surest exhibits outside, in addition to the cross-strait peace agreement signed and Ma Ying-jeou, the other is the Cairo Declaration, a Cairo Declaration is the president of the Chiang Kai unilaterally the instruments from a text of the draft statement, Chiang Kai-shek multiply summit meeting in Cairo, Egypt, America, Britain, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly come up with this "Cairo Declaration", the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the two To the United States and Britain after the end of the war, Taiwan and the Penghu Islands and China's three northeastern provinces, to the Republic of China sign.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, refused to signed the Cairo Declaration on Prime Minister Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek was also rebuked the meal after the two sessions of the United States Senate and members of Congress, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to sign the Cairo Declaration on must-thirds 2 or more consent to it, because the Senate and two sessions on behalf of the American people, and Congress agreed to let the U.S. presidential signature, but also on behalf of this and about the endorsement of the American people in the back, if signed under President Franklin D. Roosevelt If the altar of selfish, Congress must President Franklin D. Roosevelt's responsibility will be investigated, the charges are quite serious, at least the charges of "treason", the United States and Britain in the leaders of the three countries signed the Cairo Declaration on, this is not called the Cairo Declaration, but should be called the Cairo treaty treaty with the international legitimacy and the legitimacy of the legal Declaration it? No legal validity and legitimacy but also illegal!

Proof of Taiwan's "sovereignty" in the end is that a country has? Republic of China? Or Japan? Republic of China in 1949 had toward the national perdition! In 1952, the Republic of China in Taiwan Taipei Guest House and the representative of Japan, signed the so-called Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, the KMT's argument is that Japan signed this "Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, Japan sovereignty of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, be returned to China Republic of China, but the Japanese government immediately jump out to clarify that, and the Republic of China signed the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, not the sovereignty of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands to the contents of the Republic of China, regardless of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty or the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty now becomes respective interpretations! Republic of China in 1952, had not the facts of the countries, the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty signed between the Government of Japan and the Republic of China, and no legal legitimacy and legality of! Although it possession of a permanent member of the seats in the United Nations, but are illegally occupied, in the 19 years after 1971, the KMT government, or be expelled from the United Nations!

Sign in the 1951 U.S. Army 4 arms (land, sea, and land and sea) forces, comprehensive stationed in Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, the second year under the auspices of the United States, Japan, the official representative of the city of San Francisco in Northern California, in the San Francisco Peace Treaty " "give up" all the "sovereignty of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, which also represents Since then, Taiwan and Japan from this without any relationship! Taiwan is forever and will not be returned to Japan, unless the US-Japanese war, Japan to win the U.S. Otherwise, Japan is not likely to re-Taiwan has! The United States on the San Francisco Peace Treaty stated very clearly, is to Japan renounces everything, including "sovereignty"! Not included sovereignty, the U.S. military in World War 2, 550,000 U.S. troops killed in action, would not have died in vain out! Some adhere only to abandon Taiwan, Japan without talking to whom? San Francisco Peace Treaty, enacted by the United States to Japan to give up, followed by the United States to receive! Ma Ying-jeou, it has been quite clear, well aware, the Republic of China does not have the sovereignty of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, this Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty KMT in Taiwan brought Pianchipianhe to deceive the people of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou dare the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, there are Chinese dare the Cairo Declaration to get the International Tribunal and the Treaty of San Francisco to a comparison? 'll Eluded capture public effectiveness and legitimacy of international law, only the San Francisco Peace Treaty is! (0018)


(The Liaodong Qing / political commentator in North America)) (Welcome posted / Forward / download)

    吳伯雄在(7月31日2012)年,率團到中國參加第8屆兩岸經貿文化論壇,中國政協主席賈慶林在致詞時拋出兩岸一國的說法,更明確的說就是兩岸同 屬一個中國,再說清楚一點就是「兩岸關係不是國與國的關係」,中國也不可能承認兩岸一國的國就是指中華民國,尤其中國更不喜歡一中各表,因為這會讓全世界 誤以為世界上有兩個中國的荒謬錯誤印像,中國還以為只要在台灣寄居的中華民國承認兩岸同屬一國的話,就是間接承認中華民國政府的地位,不再是與中國平等平 坐的國與國的關係,而變成是中國其中一個省份,再加上中國在國際上41年以來不遺餘力的宣導著,台灣自古以來就是中國不可分割的一部份宣導。

接下來再和馬英九簽署「兩岸和平協議書」,至於後續該如何接收台灣,可能中國打算上告國際法庭,也會拿出中華民國的民選領導人馬英九親筆簽名的兩岸 和平協議書,要求國際法庭承認這份兩岸和平協議書的合法性及正當性,台灣真的會因此而變成中國的一部份嗎?事情並不會像中國所想的那麼一帆風順,至於聯合 國方面,中國也不敢向聯合國有任何的要求,因為早在1971年中國剛加入聯合國,就要求聯合國秘書處,向全世界通告,台灣是中國的一部份?秘書處要求中國 拿出擁有台灣主權的證明出來,只要拿得出來,中國的要求,秘書處一定會照辨,從1971年到今年2012年為止,41年了,「中國」至今還是無法拿得出來 「擁有」台灣主權的證明出來!

就算中國上告國際法庭,而故意迴避聯合國,國際法庭也並不會偏袒任何一方,當然也不會任由一方說了就算,這是一定要拿得出物證及人證才行,到最後國 際法庭也會要中國拿出「擁有」台灣主權的證明出來,中國最有把握的證物,除了是和馬英九簽署的兩岸和平協議書之外,另外就是開羅宣言了,這一份開羅宣言是 前蔣介石總統單方面所擬稿而成的一份文字聲明文書,蔣介石乘美英中三國首腦在埃及開羅開會的時候,蔣介石突然拿出這份「開羅宣言」出來,要美國總統小羅斯 福及英國首相邱吉爾,兩人在上面簽名,要美英兩國在戰爭結束之後,將台灣及澎湖群島和中國東北三省,交給中華民國。

小羅斯福總統及邱吉爾首相,拒絕在開羅宣言上簽名,蔣介石還被邱吉爾首相斥責一頓,如果美國總統小羅斯福要想在開羅宣言上簽字的話,一定要經過美國 參眾兩會的國會議員3分之2以上同意才行,因為參眾兩會是代表美國人民,而且國會同意讓美國總統簽名,也是代表這份和約有美國人民在後面背書,如果小羅斯 福總統要是壇自私下簽名的話,美國國會一定會追究小羅斯福總統的責任,這個罪名相當嚴重,至少是「叛國罪」的罪名,美英中3國領導人如果在開羅宣言上簽名 的話,這就不是叫做開羅宣言,而應該是叫做開羅條約,因為條約是具有國際法律上的正當性及合法性!宣言呢?沒有法律上的效力及正當性而且還是非法的!

到底是那一個國家擁有台灣「主權」的證明?是中華民國嗎?還是日本嗎?中華民國在1949年就己經亡國亡朝了!在1952中華民國在台灣台北賓館和 日本代表,簽下所謂的中日和約,國民黨的說法是日本簽下這份「中日和約」是表示日本把台灣及澎湖群島的主權,歸還給中華民國,但是日本政府立即跳出來澄清 說,和中華民國所簽的日中和約,並沒有把台灣及澎湖群島的主權交給中華民國的內容,不管是中日和約還是日中和約,現在是變成了各自表述了!在1952年的 中華民國就己經不是個國家的事實了,所以日本政府和中華民國之間所簽署的日中和約,並沒有法律上的正當性及合法性!雖然它在聯合國還佔有一個永久理事國的 席位,但那是屬於非法佔據,在19年之後的1971年,國民黨政府還是被趕出聯合國!

在1951年美國3軍4兵種(陸海空及海陸) 部隊,全面進駐台灣及澎湖群島,第二年在美國的主導下,日本官方代表在美國北加州的舊金山市,在「舊金山和約」上簽名,「放棄」所有對台灣及澎湖群島的 「主權」,這也代表從此以後,台灣和日本從此沒有任何的關係!台灣是永永遠遠也不會再交還給日本,除非美日開戰,日本打贏了美國,否則日本是不可能會再擁 有台灣!美國在「舊金山和約」上註明非常清楚,就是要日本放棄台灣所有一切,包括「主權」在內!如果沒有把主權包括在內的話,美軍在第2次世界大戰中,戰 死的55萬名美軍,豈不是都白白犧牲掉了嗎!有人堅持日本只有放棄台灣,而沒有說要交給誰?舊金山和約是美國制定的,要日本放棄,接著就是由美國來接收台 灣!這一點己經是相當清楚了,馬英九也心知肚明,中華民國並沒有擁有台灣及澎湖群島的主權,這份中日和約是國民黨在台灣拿來騙吃騙喝,欺騙台灣人民,馬英 九敢不敢把中日和約,還有中國敢不敢把開羅宣言拿到國際法庭來和舊金山條約來比一比?馬上就會露出馬腳,也只有舊金山和約才是具有國際法的公效力及正當 性!(0018)


(廖東慶/北美政治評論家) ) (歡迎轉貼/轉寄/下載)

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