Really yeah! The Ma International (simple-minded)! Also taught bad Chinese Communists with varying international (simple-minded)!
Our Taiwanese When the the nursery classes 60 years ago to scare!
This media is bad enough! Need to go reread class (community college logic courses), fighting a war hit war! Afraid! Communist China to provoke Japan also equal to mess with the sovereignty of the United States! Also equal to provoke a joint army! Rotten weapon in If I were American Big Brother world Challenge! dog to kmt party! (simple-minded) together!! must invite the coalition forces, jointly disintegrate killed by the Chinese Communists, the joint occupation of hypocrisy not the legal system of the Chinese Communist Party, to win to win half of the country of China, and foreign debt owed to China, they do not also hit the Chinese Communists changed democracy date! (why not!) It was a good, 真的耶!The Ma國際(笨笨)!還教壞中共一起變國際(笨笨)!把我們台灣人當60年前的幼幼班來嚇!這媒體有夠爛!因該好好再去研讀上個(社會大學邏輯科),打戰就打戰嗎!誰怕誰! 中共你惹了日本也等於惹了美國主權!也等於惹了聯合軍!爛武器在向全世界挑戰!與狗ˇˇkmt黨!(笨笨)聚在一起了!假如我是美國大哥!一定邀請聯軍,共同瓦解打死中共,聯合佔領這虛偽沒法制的中共,打贏奪取中國一半國土,並且欠中國的外債也不用還了!打到中共改民主為止!(何樂而不為呢!)這真是賺錢好機會!太好了