2012年11月12日 星期一

蔡英文「流亡政府」說 藍轟� 挺-民視新聞

iframe width 459 height 344 src http://www.youtube.com/embed/gDbh_dUMxw4?fs 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe> http://www.youtube.com/watchv=gDbh_dUMxw4
Holy crap! I once again support you Tsai Ing-wen, DPP Do not do people quit the party, come on. Blessing collapse of dog offerings party, this party bad multiterminal, even the Tzu Chi also differentiation Think of the people are not saints, Tzu Chi studentssued events! nor greater than! mention (Tzu Chi Buddhist) reactive missed more than
      It like a dog party all missed, moral thin lost, again pray (Buddha's blessing) the collapse of the the cult (dog offerings party KMT) rotten bandits, http://www.youtube.com/watchv=gDbh_dUMxw4
  哇靠!我再度支持妳蔡英文,民進黨請勿做民退黨,加油啦!請加持瓦解狗冥黨,此黨壞事多端,連慈濟也分化, 想想人非聖賢,慈濟學生吃官司事件!又非大過!何況(慈濟佛教)功多過錯失,
      那像狗黨全部都是 錯失,道德薄失,請再度祈求(佛陀加持) 瓦解邪教(狗冥黨KMT)爛土 匪,

