2014年2月25日 星期二

ROC government corruption 大家一起退掉健勞保!詐騙ROC!我明明填單是寫(退保單字樣只可轉保)!確呼弄騙我

大家一起退掉健勞保!詐騙ROC!我明明填單是寫(退掉健保單字樣,)但ROC卻騙我只可轉保)!確實呼弄騙我 !笑死人!睜眼說瞎話習慣了!這ROC真會保障人民嗎!電磁波先搞死你耶!陳水扁及親民黨林義雄被電磁波腦控整壞了身體,全民就要肯確知道!你身體DNA任何狀況都在健保電腦紀錄裡面!要害死你是輕而易舉的耶!全民退掉開除ROC政腐 加油!Drained away with everyone healthy labor insurance! Fraud ROC! I obviously fill a single write (drained away NHI single word,) but the ROC has lied to me can only be turn protection)! Really callback get lied to me! Laughable! out lie accustomed ! it ROC will really protect people you! electromagnetic waves first Gaosi you! Lin Yi-hsiung Chen Shui-bian and the PFP is bad electromagnetic waves mind control the whole the body all the people we should be willing indeed to know! DNA of any situation of your body inside the computer records in health care! want to killed you are easily! drained away all the people expelled from ROC government rot Come on!..

