因台媒體全封鎖,我的電腦IP址也被鎖,好像共產黨行為,侵犯隱私,人權.為什麼我小時候公民教育是民主?可是台灣明顯現在走行為是共匪行為封鎖法律,反正我可從外籍登入此新聞並連結我錄的證據影片在youtube.聯合徵信個人信用記錄與世華銀信用卡帳單及(國泰帳單還是退險後寄出)完全不對日期及帳目就是直接證據非旁證,我證據十足還判我輸,國泰世華銀行與人壽詐欺我,嚴重伪造文書,我請律師沒人敢接,還封鎖媒體,請大家傳給各界 讓全國消費者知道國泰及世華銀行亂算帳目. 如要知詳情看錄影片證據請點
2014年9月18日 星期四
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned d...
I'm a beauty salon nail art aromatherapist open family room to do the room, because electromagnetic waves mind control Cao Dawei National Security Bureau spy blessing to set me up 20 years has been litigation legal battle, then has at Ma Ying-jeou blog petition, but the rejection bird you petition, also let the party workers in pLURK message that you want to block my blog, Bi-Bi result FB account was blocked off, and later instigation a Branch Bureau the police station to actions are unconstitutional detention me one day, they forget that Article 10 of the Constitution (freedom of residency) not be used indiscriminately arrests,No had time and place of detention under no thing to me, and find two people I did not know them, Them told them false testimony to Jane Eyre motel trading and obstruction of weathering sin against me when interrogation, me to come up with evidence back to work room has video cameras, but I've been in the my house studio has Videos scene evidence,
confiscate my phone call away my clients one by one investigation, slander me and confiscate my laptop two sets in the studio, there are photo recorder proved of false accusation,
The second day was a lawyer out to help me, and later sentenced me innocent, the well done litigation police falsely accused crime,Eat the case, private law residency forget the Constitution Article X freedom, anti-weathering would constitute harm this crime is the need for the media Private Sales, and to receive to profit commissions would constitute this crime, ROC but a series of lawsuits to set me up knowingly violate the law can not stop the lawsuit, Shit, I'm born in the wrong place, in this world do not recognize the violation of human rights ROC country,
我是美容美髮美甲芳療師開家庭室工做室,因電磁波腦控曹大偉國家安全局特務加持陷害我20多年一直訴訟的官司 ,然後有在馬英九部落格陳情,卻不甩鳥你陳情,還讓黨工在噗浪留言說要封鎖我部落格,結果FB張碧苾帳號就被封鎖掉了,之後又指使一分局派出所來違憲違法羈押我一天,他們忘記憲法第十條(自由居住權)不可亂抓人,無 人 事 物 時間地點下羈押我,偵訊時並且找二位我不認識的假證人說我跟他們去簡愛汽車旅館交易並告我妨害風化罪,我回他們請拿出證據,工作室裡有攝錄影機,而且我一直在工作室裡有不在場證明,沒收走我的電話打給我客戶一一調查,毀謗我,又在工作室裡沒收我二台筆電,也有攝錄機證實,知道誣告陷害不成,
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office falsely accused me
Violation of human rights, would not let me appeal the High Court
The same the case of Independent Commission Against Agency eat be turned down
Taichung District Prosecutors Office
ROC eat case,
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned down Complaints eat case
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