2015年8月20日 星期四

Daughter ROC citizen IC card with Malaysia, you actually said she was il...

Daughter ROC citizen identification card with Malaysia, you actually said she was illegally timeout immigrants! Cheap illegal to forget that the country has been published in the international recognition of dual citizenship legislation!

我一早打給美國世界人權協會,托美國的福! 地勤員專勤隊剛才打給我們說:現在10點可去他們那邊付勒索金一萬,才准我們出境!我女是雙重國籍,有中華民國公民身份證跟馬來西亞身份證,你們竟說她非法居留超時入境!違法到忘記該賤國已經在世界公佈承認雙重國籍之法規,違反人權憲法到如此程度!今天8月20日星期四午時14:00海關竟然要求我女兒用馬來西亞護照跟台灣護照蓋章之後才可出境,好笑地,我們蓋好章,已經進去了,要到登機門路上,又被叫回去不准出境,說要付錢,還要勒索我們去台中地勤組付一萬元如此fuck人權!被阻止到班機起飛

影片網址: http://youtu.be/iYIlQmUAvYE

Camera recordings as evidence, the special team was willing to accept the ground to change tomorrow 11:00 we go to pay extortion gold ten thousand!

