2015年8月8日 星期六

ROC framed trap citizen, network with recognize dual nationality,Against...


海關人員處理一半,人不見了,卡在當中,哇靠飛機走了把我丟到這當中,人不見啦,我行李,ROC framed trap citizen, network with recognize dual nationality,Against my daughter does not recognize dual nationality framed, based on the Constitution is greater than the law and have forgotten it! ROC against my daughter again unconstitutional, ROC passport officers through the Ministry of the Interior superiors confessed, did not recognize the Republic of China passports are not allowed to leave my daughter,, violations are not allowed to leave my daughter, she is now stuck in Customs ,

R O C陷阱陷害公民,網路跟維基登承認雙重國籍,卻陷害我女兒不承認雙重國籍, 基於憲法大於法律又忘記啦!
R O C 竟然對我女兒再度違憲自由人權法,我女補辦的中華民國護照這海關人員聽內政部上級交待,竟然不承認中華民國護照不准我女兒出境,,違規不准我女兒出境,現正卡在海關當中,
哇靠他勞跑呢!不見了,他拿走我的登機證阻止我與女兒出境,他聽內政部不承認自己殖民地補發的R O C 護照,卻違憲不讓我女兒出境呢!那是嚴重的違憲人權法,中華民國如此幹人權憲法,請問全國人民還要選這雙重司法,雙重標準,雙重的違憲國際法規的R O C 政腐嗎?,全民還是用超過60%人民罷選!來開除這集體犯罪世界不承認的中華冥國,重新建國吧!全民不要自欺欺人,醒來吧!聯合國國際沒名份,有什麼好選,改國號的就是台灣總統啦,不然全民罷選!

