你們ROC違法違憲反陷害誣告我防害秘密罪,那是威脅不到我的!好友報料貪腐政腐我一定公佈給公民們及全世界知道,廖金坤 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOr4cGXhK5s#t=148
吸錢、吸人、吸產業接下來 原來台灣已經變中國第一大債權國!! 20140109-4
http://www.facebook.com/chang37192000 http://youtu.be/s150of4z5vU 因台媒體全封鎖,我的電腦IP址也被鎖,好像共產黨行為,侵犯隱私,人權.為什麼我小時候公民教育是民主?可是台灣明顯現在走行為是共匪行為封鎖法律,反正我可從外籍登入此新聞並連結我錄的證據影片在youtube.聯合徵信個人信用記錄與世華銀信用卡帳單及(國泰帳單還是退險後寄出)完全不對日期及帳目就是直接證據非旁證,我證據十足還判我輸,國泰世華銀行與人壽詐欺我,嚴重伪造文書,我請律師沒人敢接,還封鎖媒體,請大家傳給各界 讓全國消費者知道國泰及世華銀行亂算帳目. 如要知詳情看錄影片證據請點http://www.facebook.com/bibi2009pc
2014年12月31日 星期三
2014年12月29日 星期一
2014年12月28日 星期日
星期六27號收到收據,今天星期一29號午時去郵局領訴訟文書公文,又被電磁波腦控曹大偉特務整害,郵局說:沒有該文信,最後又說在隔壁太平分局,到警局領文書,警察又說沒這公文號碼,找不到該號碼,差點爭執,最後原來是電磁波特務故意寫錯號碼,故意整我的領不到而被通輯呢!,上次更離譜,起訴書寄給我時,我找了半個月的律師,終於願意辦,我花費全世界最貴的律師費$80000元,全權交給我律師後,那法院書記官也有跟我聯絡電話,也有聯絡我律師,可是一星期後電磁波腦控特務派警分局腦控離譜戲劇 ,趁我上噴槍彩繪課那裡搞事故,先讓噴槍老師借由 我跟我女兒遲到,不准我上課,還有我有錄影也不准上課,叫她退費她卻不給退費,我就不理她照上課,竟然打我手,我也打回她手背,她就叫警察,腦控警察就出來說我被通輯,硬抓我去簽那十多張的陷阱陷害罪,其中一張是離譜的控嚇罪,一大堆栽贓罪意圖不讓我出國,我死都不簽,打電話請我律師過來才沒事,可是還是送我去法院夜間偵訊,逼我簽,我死都不簽名,羈押約晚上11點多才放我出去呢,如此可惡的馬政腐啊!我有義務公佈讓全民知道!
2014年12月26日 星期五
I know this is not FB company to engage in, which is electromagnetic wave brain control actions invaded my IP position, after Ma Ying-jeou and other KMT spy was locked in jail, That you will be exposed! Heroic spies hamper the Privacy wait and see
electromagnetic wave revealed the secret! Tail end
section: I Scolded a shame! electromagnetic wave brain control the sound
turned my throat wave sound Changed into shut up
electromagnetic wave revealed the secret! Tail end
section: I Scolded a shame! electromagnetic wave brain control the sound
turned my throat wave sound Changed into shut up
2014年12月11日 星期四
2014年12月8日 星期一
KMT Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang miscarriage of justice results馬英九司法不公結果
1 分鐘 · 讚
Mei Feng Chang 全民公投,人民做主!拒絕電磁波腦控奪政權!
不支持人民公投的政黨,表示依然想做獨裁,那們我們全民老闆們就用( 憲法大於法律-法律大於命令-命令大於地方法制 )-國際法規憲法最大,大於以上之位階之憲法,並用第二條憲法(主權在民)來教訓他們!如繼續讓電磁波腦控黨政,不推出公投讓人民做主!全民罷選(總統)!給它位缺,省的造反賣台獨裁又來個電磁波腦控(馬英狗)敗國呀!
1 分鐘 · 讚
Mei Feng Chang 全民公投,人民做主!拒絕電磁波腦控奪政權!
不支持人民公投的政黨,表示依然想做獨裁,那們我們全民老闆們就用( 憲法大於法律-法律大於命令-命令大於地方法制 )-國際法規憲法最大,大於以上之位階之憲法,並用第二條憲法(主權在民)來教訓他們!如繼續讓電磁波腦控黨政,不推出公投讓人民做主!全民罷選(總統)!給它位缺,省的造反賣台獨裁又來個電磁波腦控(馬英狗)敗國呀!
2014年11月21日 星期五
2014年11月15日 星期六
Advocates stop post-election political rot ROC expelled, framed my skin...
Advocates stop post-election political rot ROC expelled, with electromagnetic whole next day framed my skin!, Can not threaten me,
strike me as usual advocating the of the world peace ,does not recognize the election illegal pseudo-political expulsion rot ROC,
Advocate strike the election expelled the ROC pseudo-governan提倡罷選電磁波特務就...
Advocate strike the election expelled the ROC pseudo-governance rot,
electromagnetic wave spies on the to engage in once again Framed my skin itchiness inflammation of the!提倡罷選開除ROC偽政腐,電磁波特務就再次搞我的皮膚痕癢發炎!http://youtu.be/IOi5ZQ2_j_4
electromagnetic wave spies on the to engage in once again Framed my skin itchiness inflammation of the!提倡罷選開除ROC偽政腐,電磁波特務就再次搞我的皮膚痕癢發炎!http://youtu.be/IOi5ZQ2_j_4
2014年11月9日 星期日
I Accuse DPP my FB invasion二黨都是賊全民罷選開除ROC食油餿水油謀殺公民的ROC政腐啦!
Confirmed DPP KMT two party is Thieves party, criticized the DPP was also charged with invasion of IP position even invaded FB friends share no dynamic articles it! The following article is made before the accused invasion, two of the party are thieves
strike referendum don't election dismissed deliberate collusion murder citizens, the murder of Industrial oils rancid cooking oil ROC political rot it!證實二黨是配合一體黨,罵民進黨竟然也被控侵IP位置入侵FB沒有動態朋友們分享的文章呀!就是發以下的文章才被控侵,二黨都是賊,全民罷選開除官商勾結蓄意謀財害命,食油餿水油謀殺公民的ROC政腐啦!
我可以做證民進黨一樣不辦事,98年到現在告國泰世華 詐欺 偽造文書罪 防害名譽罪,,我去找過民進黨很多立法委員,反被ROC誣告我防害密秘,Shit!因該誣告我( 防害 ROC政腐 官商勾結 犯罪 )還差不多,打電話去立法院只有(簡肇棟立委)願接受,可惜,接受處理我的陳情沒多久後,電磁波腦曹大偉控特務就用假車禍讓簡肇棟立委車禍撞人開除立委職位,好的民進黨發言人死的死 活的早被已開除了,民進黨剩下的都是打混配合演戲的ROC成員,這ROC百年邪教貪腐體系,全民只有罷選開除,從新建國或做美國一州,台灣才會國泰民安!
strike referendum don't election dismissed deliberate collusion murder citizens, the murder of Industrial oils rancid cooking oil ROC political rot it!證實二黨是配合一體黨,罵民進黨竟然也被控侵IP位置入侵FB沒有動態朋友們分享的文章呀!就是發以下的文章才被控侵,二黨都是賊,全民罷選開除官商勾結蓄意謀財害命,食油餿水油謀殺公民的ROC政腐啦!
我可以做證民進黨一樣不辦事,98年到現在告國泰世華 詐欺 偽造文書罪 防害名譽罪,,我去找過民進黨很多立法委員,反被ROC誣告我防害密秘,Shit!因該誣告我( 防害 ROC政腐 官商勾結 犯罪 )還差不多,打電話去立法院只有(簡肇棟立委)願接受,可惜,接受處理我的陳情沒多久後,電磁波腦曹大偉控特務就用假車禍讓簡肇棟立委車禍撞人開除立委職位,好的民進黨發言人死的死 活的早被已開除了,民進黨剩下的都是打混配合演戲的ROC成員,這ROC百年邪教貪腐體系,全民只有罷選開除,從新建國或做美國一州,台灣才會國泰民安!
2014年11月8日 星期六
ROC year to perish Oh! Citizens do not go to hearings yeah! ROC今年要滅亡喔!沒半...
No semi-persona,Only devil will went hearings Political Speech ROC yeah! Advertisement Law of International Tribunal have legal effect,Litigation ROC after win,Let ROC bankruptcy can be reported to the USA, ROC dog party all party headquarters abroad any asset of all confiscated property, transported back library!
I have a market research public opinion, no one will re-election, two of the party are thieves, cheated 103 years, citizens will go to the elections did not stupid!
In fact, as we all know, ROC fake fake tickets candidates for political rot has already done, but unfortunately the people will stand up as evidence, the idiots in this world will go to the election illegitimate pseudo-democratic murder of people ROC,
ROC year to perish Oh! Citizens do not
go to hearings yeah!
ROC今年要滅亡喔!沒辦個公民去聽政耶! ROC yeah! Advertisement Law of International Tribunal have legal effect,Litigation ROC after win,Let ROC bankruptcy can be reported to the USA, ROC dog party all party headquarters abroad any asset of all confiscated property, transported back library!
I have a market research public opinion, no one will re-election, two of the party are thieves, cheated 103 years, citizens will go to the elections did not stupid!
In fact, as we all know, ROC fake fake tickets candidates for political rot has already done, but unfortunately the people will stand up as evidence, the idiots in this world will go to the election illegitimate pseudo-democratic murder of people ROC!
ROC year to perish Oh! Citizens do not
go to hearings yeah!
I have a market research public opinion, no one will re-election, two of the party are thieves, cheated 103 years, citizens will go to the elections did not stupid!
In fact, as we all know, ROC fake fake tickets candidates for political rot has already done, but unfortunately the people will stand up as evidence, the idiots in this world will go to the election illegitimate pseudo-democratic murder of people ROC,
ROC year to perish Oh! Citizens do not
go to hearings yeah!
ROC今年要滅亡喔!沒辦個公民去聽政耶! ROC yeah! Advertisement Law of International Tribunal have legal effect,Litigation ROC after win,Let ROC bankruptcy can be reported to the USA, ROC dog party all party headquarters abroad any asset of all confiscated property, transported back library!
I have a market research public opinion, no one will re-election, two of the party are thieves, cheated 103 years, citizens will go to the elections did not stupid!
In fact, as we all know, ROC fake fake tickets candidates for political rot has already done, but unfortunately the people will stand up as evidence, the idiots in this world will go to the election illegitimate pseudo-democratic murder of people ROC!
ROC year to perish Oh! Citizens do not
go to hearings yeah!
2014年11月6日 星期四
2014年11月5日 星期三
103年每次選舉也這麼說,ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢! 如黑人牙膏,我最近四年用後牙齦一直發,有的醫生說是牙周炎,有的又說是火氣大引起了牙齦炎,最後今年九月初我換了進口的牙膏後,竟然這二個月從來不曾再發生牙齒痛問題呢!,http://youtu.be/n9KnlxGvA_o
103年每次選舉也這麼說,ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢! 如黑人牙膏,我最近四年用後牙齦一直發,有的醫生說是牙周炎,有的又說是火氣大引起了牙齦炎,最後今年九月初我換了進口的牙膏後,竟然這二個月從來不曾再發生牙齒痛問題呢!,http://youtu.be/n9KnlxGvA_o
2014年11月4日 星期二
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢!
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢!
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢!
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢,全民還是罷選開除ROC國際不承認的流亡政腐,去歐巴馬部落格留言=公民公投自決權,直接的用舊金山和平條約做美國一州,不然百年流氓流亡政腐國際好口碑(貪腐官商勾結)做風,會讓毒食油一直存在謀殺我們公民呢,甚至於白年妖怪政策還會繼續用別種來謀殺我們公民呢!
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢!http://youtu.be/gBQM-b7EvCs
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢!http://youtu.be/gBQM-b7EvCs
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢!http://youtu.be/kyiuVuo_axQ
ROC貪腐就算了,又來個民退黨一起貪演戲演太久了,103年了永遠國際沒名份、別傻了、選舉=承認ROC =永遠建不了國呢!http://youtu.be/kyiuVuo_axQ
2014年10月27日 星期一
ROC political rot electromagnetic mind control spy playing me again fill...
ROC political rot electromagnetic mind control spy playing me again filling the
ROC政腐電磁波腦控特務 耍我 又再度漏餡了
ROC政腐電磁波腦控特務 耍我 又再度漏餡了
2014年10月15日 星期三
ROC series of electromagnetic mind control spy intent to harm my shop bu...
ROC series of electromagnetic mind control spy intent to harm my shop business to juggle playing all sorts, and even IP position also control it! Destination to shop close to me, forcing me to find Guoan (Cao Dawei) devil too!
2014年10月9日 星期四
Also advise citizens not to elections! international did not recognize T...
ROC entire electromagnetic spy Cao Dawei Framed my skin, and now has continued for the whole body, even the chest there, that I dare publish, Always I just kept announcement,
as the day before,no sense of it! !
How kind! Also advise citizens not to elections! international did not recognize Taiwan diplomatic, political rot It seems like bandits! If we elect = admit that the bandits the ROC = Taiwan people also is bad bandits Oh!
as the day before,no sense of it! !
How kind! Also advise citizens not to elections! international did not recognize Taiwan diplomatic, political rot It seems like bandits! If we elect = admit that the bandits the ROC = Taiwan people also is bad bandits Oh!
ROC私法,違法,違憲,違反了人權法,我女兒,兒子是馬來西亞出生國籍,我女兒18歲當然可以擔保我,我這做媽的當然可順理成章做馬來西亞公民,But ROC電磁波政腐(國安曹大偉)搞我老公跳樓去逝後到現在,千方白計陷害我打不完的官司,億萬個計算!陷害我留在台灣,沒問題好漢不吃眼前虧,君子報仇十年不晚,敢禁止我出國,結果會送給你們ROC的!
2014年10月7日 星期二
ROC electromagnetic waves also ruining my skin (3) ROC又用電磁波搞壞我皮膚之3,
ROC electromagnetic waves also ruining my skin with , this morning, but changed direction to get me in the belly red itchy, do dare to publish for me, I still published as usual, this time not stupid, When I Feel itchy pressed with nails,
because scratch the broken skin, ROC political rot electromagnetic cult will be (framed me skin into wounds fester) too!
because scratch the broken skin, ROC political rot electromagnetic cult will be (framed me skin into wounds fester) too!
ROC政腐 Fuck 哇靠!早上九點多公佈紅腫現在竟然馬上脫皮好了,
ROC Fuck !Nine in the morning announced redness and more surprisingly, Noon immediately and peeling Well ,Healing shapeROC政腐 Fuck 哇靠!早上九點多公佈紅腫現在竟然馬上脫皮癒合好了,http://youtu.be/mXrvr0SS9GU
ROCElectromagnetic brain disease control framed政府電磁波不甘心我公佈大腿部份已用硫黃水治好就加強...
ROC Electromagnetic brain disease control framed政腐電磁波特務知道我用硫黃1比15水、來洗澡治療並公佈YouTube,FB網路上告知全台灣公民大腿部份已用硫黃水治好,,ROC政府電磁波不甘心!就加強威力,我腳跟手明明已經乾了快好的皮膚,卻又加強讓我嚴重痕癢破皮,陷害我的皮膚一直不好!所以全世界的公民一起鄙視祂們ROC請全台灣公民罷選,勿再支持承認這邪黨ROC爛體係,電磁波腦控是用在軍事上,ROC政腐卻用到人民身上,專對付侵害(批罵他們爛政腐)的(公民身上)爛政腐!全民罷選之!
2014年10月5日 星期日
2014年10月4日 星期六
2014年10月2日 星期四
ROC台中地 檢署(私法人)請先給我辦487案件再來陷害誣告我(防害密秘罪),更何況我(訴訟國泰世華銀行)(防害名譽)在第18庭內還未簽結了案呢...
Framed me hands unnatural swelling redness inflamed inflamed it is obviously ROC electromagnetic brain rot causing me to set up political control bureau! appointed presidential (Chen) of the body downhill, Can also physical,Electromagnetic brain can also framed the entire citizens people body !Taiwan citizens stop bad ROC election and stop elections, with the International Constitution peoples (self-determination), directly or doing an citizens will be protected health wealth!
陷害我手腳不自然的swelling redness inflamed紅腫發炎呢 很明顯是ROC電 磁波腦控政腐害我設的局!難怪上任總統(陳水扁)身體走下坡,Can also還可整壞人民的身體,全民還是罷選stop elections,用國際憲法人民(自決權),直接向世界宣言建國或 做美國一州,公民健康 財富才會得到保障!
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned d...
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned d...
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
ROC rot sewage harm false justice pseudo democracy of the evidence the f...
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
ROC rot sewage harm false justice pseudo democracy of the evidence the f...
International regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
2014年9月29日 星期一
DBS tampering original mortgage contract interest rate to take pictures ...
Article VII the Constitution the law of equality without distinction of of class of banking scene camcorder! I can certainly anti-rail permits the video DBS crime situation! Not personally counted reconciliations, because DBS Bank break the law tampering eat my the principal plus interest on the contract contract!
Hated Lin Jialong is a reason!
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable,
five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
Hated Lin Jialong is a reason!
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable,
five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
Hated Lin Jialong is a reason!
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been
Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable, five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net, judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net,RO...
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been
Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable, five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net, judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net,RO...
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
Hated Lin Jialong is a reason!
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been
Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable, five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
principal amount
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,
My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death , I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been
Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable, five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!
2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
principal amount
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!
Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!
So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people
ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!
哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!
ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,
To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!
Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =
Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity
2014年9月27日 星期六
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網
judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net,
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net, I was constitutionally permissible to protect those evidence reported judicial malfeasance disadvantages,
announced the judicial eat case , Article VII of the Constitution permissible,
The Taichung District Prosecutors (private Law ) me even after I hired a lawyer to send give me a court document innocence win letter,
I am very angry, anti-people falsely accused of the crime Recourse report back to justice,
Then Litigation Taichung District Prosecutors Office ,
But all daring openly to eat case, the Taichung District Prosecutors judicial person
They unity unconstitutional violation of human rights of all large malfeasance against me no regulatory law to sue me (the secret anti-crime victims) to shut me to do in prison, a move = blackmail the people, ignoring the international constitution exists, the world despise them,
ROC司法人大瀆職吃案證據網,我是報弊者憲法允許保障,用憲法第七條公佈司法人亂吃案,台中地檢(私法為民)甚至於我告贏後,我聘雇的律師寄給我法院出的無罪公文信後,我不甘願,反告回司法人誣告罪,竟然台中地檢署大膽公然吃案,台中地檢司法人反而大團結違憲 違法 違反人權 大瀆職全部攻擊我,無規章違法起訴我(防害密秘罪)要關我做牢,此舉=勒索人民,無視國際憲法存在,請全世界鄙視他們!
ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net, I was constitutionally permissible to protect those evidence reported judicial malfeasance disadvantages,
announced the judicial eat case , Article VII of the Constitution permissible,
The Taichung District Prosecutors (private Law ) me even after I hired a lawyer to send give me a court document innocence win letter,
I am very angry, anti-people falsely accused of the crime Recourse report back to justice,
Then Litigation Taichung District Prosecutors Office ,
But all daring openly to eat case, the Taichung District Prosecutors judicial person
They unity unconstitutional violation of human rights of all large malfeasance against me no regulatory law to sue me (the secret anti-crime victims) to shut me to do in prison, a move = blackmail the people, ignoring the international constitution exists, the world despise them,
ROC司法人大瀆職吃案證據網,我是報弊者憲法允許保障,用憲法第七條公佈司法人亂吃案,台中地檢(私法為民)甚至於我告贏後,我聘雇的律師寄給我法院出的無罪公文信後,我不甘願,反告回司法人誣告罪,竟然台中地檢署大膽公然吃案,台中地檢司法人反而大團結違憲 違法 違反人權 大瀆職全部攻擊我,無規章違法起訴我(防害密秘罪)要關我做牢,此舉=勒索人民,無視國際憲法存在,請全世界鄙視他們!
2014年9月26日 星期五
(5) ROC control can not upload Lock my shop IP bit of evidence on the fi...
(5) ROC control can not upload Lock my shop IP bit of evidence on the fifth day(5)ROC控制我店IP位不能上传証据第五天2014/9/26
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control against my privacy,
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control against my privacy,
(1)ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been...
(1)ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
I had every month pay for phone it on a regular basis!
ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control my phone,
I had every month pay for phone it on a regular basis!
ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control my phone,
2014年9月25日 星期四
(2)ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been...
ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
I had every month pay for phone it on a regular basis!
ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control my phone,
I had every month pay for phone it on a regular basis!
ROC against my privacy controls my phone evidence, this case has been 20 years!
ROC This electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei monkey Aberdeen Control my phone,
2014年9月24日 星期三
(4)ROC Still control the upload Been three days harm privacy Evidence 第三...
(4)ROC Still control the upload Been three days harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue第三天了,依然控制上传 ROC 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权
2014年9月23日 星期二
ROC(3) electromagnetic mind control framed people's Exposure, in Taichu...
(3) harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue ROC 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权
ROC(3) electromagnetic mind control framed people's Exposure, in Taichung 18 Court Chambers,
ROC(3)电磁波脑控陷害人民漏馅在台中法院第18庭,情形:侦察结束侯,我是告诉人身份 诉讼国泰世华银行,当下正要签名证实出第18庭时,当检察官教嗦法警关起法庭大门上锁侯,检察官教嗦法警直接抢夺并毁损折断我眼镜,重点来了,请问大家:为什么检察官知道我的眼镜有密录器,吼!养小鬼呀!这点就是代表电磁波特务漏馅了!电磁波法院为淹灭証据心虚,乾脆大胆一不做二不休,违宪羁押我,知道我报警拿三联单,按铃申告刘文宾检察官,结果台中法院电磁波特务扭曲事实,全部大团结来违宪渎职诬陷起诉我(防害密秘罪),你们如何知道我有密录眼镜呢,难道ROC真的有邪术,还是电磁波特务低能!为了淹灭証据,漏馅曝露了电磁波脑控人民,违法违宪渎职,违反人权,国际法庭见!这影片也可告回你们ROC侵犯隐私权,乱监控我店裏电脑IP位,在,司法人犯法証据,竟然监控不准我上传公佈人民老板大家看,那我一定会告国际去,走着瞧,追诉期台湾十年,外国会更久,走着瞧吧!
ROC(3) electromagnetic mind control framed people's Exposure, in Taichung 18 Court Chambers,
ROC(3)电磁波脑控陷害人民漏馅在台中法院第18庭,情形:侦察结束侯,我是告诉人身份 诉讼国泰世华银行,当下正要签名证实出第18庭时,当检察官教嗦法警关起法庭大门上锁侯,检察官教嗦法警直接抢夺并毁损折断我眼镜,重点来了,请问大家:为什么检察官知道我的眼镜有密录器,吼!养小鬼呀!这点就是代表电磁波特务漏馅了!电磁波法院为淹灭証据心虚,乾脆大胆一不做二不休,违宪羁押我,知道我报警拿三联单,按铃申告刘文宾检察官,结果台中法院电磁波特务扭曲事实,全部大团结来违宪渎职诬陷起诉我(防害密秘罪),你们如何知道我有密录眼镜呢,难道ROC真的有邪术,还是电磁波特务低能!为了淹灭証据,漏馅曝露了电磁波脑控人民,违法违宪渎职,违反人权,国际法庭见!这影片也可告回你们ROC侵犯隐私权,乱监控我店裏电脑IP位,在,司法人犯法証据,竟然监控不准我上传公佈人民老板大家看,那我一定会告国际去,走着瞧,追诉期台湾十年,外国会更久,走着瞧吧!
(2) harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue ROC 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权
(2) harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue ROC, 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权,
(1) harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue ROC 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权
(1) harm privacy Evidence,I will lawsuit sue ROC 诉讼告ROC防害隐私权
2014年9月21日 星期日
https://www.youtube.com/user/bibi2009pc 之证据网址:
This is the true face of the international non-recognition of the ROC, make the world despise!
2014年9月20日 星期六
2014年9月18日 星期四
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned d...
I'm a beauty salon nail art aromatherapist open family room to do the room, because electromagnetic waves mind control Cao Dawei National Security Bureau spy blessing to set me up 20 years has been litigation legal battle, then has at Ma Ying-jeou blog petition, but the rejection bird you petition, also let the party workers in pLURK message that you want to block my blog, Bi-Bi result FB account was blocked off, and later instigation a Branch Bureau the police station to actions are unconstitutional detention me one day, they forget that Article 10 of the Constitution (freedom of residency) not be used indiscriminately arrests,No had time and place of detention under no thing to me, and find two people I did not know them, Them told them false testimony to Jane Eyre motel trading and obstruction of weathering sin against me when interrogation, me to come up with evidence back to work room has video cameras, but I've been in the my house studio has Videos scene evidence,
confiscate my phone call away my clients one by one investigation, slander me and confiscate my laptop two sets in the studio, there are photo recorder proved of false accusation,
The second day was a lawyer out to help me, and later sentenced me innocent, the well done litigation police falsely accused crime,Eat the case, private law residency forget the Constitution Article X freedom, anti-weathering would constitute harm this crime is the need for the media Private Sales, and to receive to profit commissions would constitute this crime, ROC but a series of lawsuits to set me up knowingly violate the law can not stop the lawsuit, Shit, I'm born in the wrong place, in this world do not recognize the violation of human rights ROC country,
我是美容美髮美甲芳療師開家庭室工做室,因電磁波腦控曹大偉國家安全局特務加持陷害我20多年一直訴訟的官司 ,然後有在馬英九部落格陳情,卻不甩鳥你陳情,還讓黨工在噗浪留言說要封鎖我部落格,結果FB張碧苾帳號就被封鎖掉了,之後又指使一分局派出所來違憲違法羈押我一天,他們忘記憲法第十條(自由居住權)不可亂抓人,無 人 事 物 時間地點下羈押我,偵訊時並且找二位我不認識的假證人說我跟他們去簡愛汽車旅館交易並告我妨害風化罪,我回他們請拿出證據,工作室裡有攝錄影機,而且我一直在工作室裡有不在場證明,沒收走我的電話打給我客戶一一調查,毀謗我,又在工作室裡沒收我二台筆電,也有攝錄機證實,知道誣告陷害不成,
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office falsely accused me
Violation of human rights, would not let me appeal the High Court
The same the case of Independent Commission Against Agency eat be turned down
Taichung District Prosecutors Office
ROC eat case,
Independent Commission Against Agency recordings as evidence be turned down Complaints eat case
ROC judicial violation of human rights, unconstitutional law and Crime o...
ROC judicial violation of human rights, unconstitutional law and Crime of Malfeasance of evidence ,
ROC司法陷阱诬告欺害公 民违反人权,违宪 违法之证据
ROC illegal Falsely accused to shut me About the write instructions documents Prohibition me send High~Court
ROC realy no rule of law, The two days only, today return back my Appeals letter received the High Court on a petition malfeasance
return back my Appeals letter
illegal private human rights violations, please look there is evidence of citizens within the movie!
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office Case eat eating habits, and falsely accused me the secret anti-crime
and illegal harm to shut me to write instructions Prohibition documents I appeal to send high-Court
that I More needed personally send high-Court, to see how they continue under eat case!
ROC司法陷阱诬告欺害公 民违反人权,违宪 违法之证据
ROC illegal Falsely accused to shut me About the write instructions documents Prohibition me send High~Court
ROC realy no rule of law, The two days only, today return back my Appeals letter received the High Court on a petition malfeasance
return back my Appeals letter
illegal private human rights violations, please look there is evidence of citizens within the movie!
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office Case eat eating habits, and falsely accused me the secret anti-crime
and illegal harm to shut me to write instructions Prohibition documents I appeal to send high-Court
that I More needed personally send high-Court, to see how they continue under eat case!
ROC judicial violation of human rights, unconstitutional law and Crime o...
ROC judicial violation of human rights, unconstitutional law and Crime of Malfeasance of evidence ,
ROC司法陷阱诬告欺害公 民违反人权,违宪 违法之证据
ROC illegal Falsely accused to shut me About the write instructions documents Prohibition me send High~Court
ROC realy no rule of law, The two days only, today return back my Appeals letter received the High Court on a petition malfeasance
return back my Appeals letter
illegal private human rights violations, please look there is evidence of citizens within the movie!
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office Case eat eating habits, and falsely accused me the secret anti-crime
and illegal harm to shut me to write instructions Prohibition documents I appeal to send high-Court
that I More needed personally send high-Court, to see how they continue under eat case!
ROC司法陷阱诬告欺害公 民违反人权,违宪 违法之证据
ROC illegal Falsely accused to shut me About the write instructions documents Prohibition me send High~Court
ROC realy no rule of law, The two days only, today return back my Appeals letter received the High Court on a petition malfeasance
return back my Appeals letter
illegal private human rights violations, please look there is evidence of citizens within the movie!
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office Case eat eating habits, and falsely accused me the secret anti-crime
and illegal harm to shut me to write instructions Prohibition documents I appeal to send high-Court
that I More needed personally send high-Court, to see how they continue under eat case!
2014年9月17日 星期三
ROC illegal Falsely accused me About the write instructions documents Pr...
ROC illegal Falsely accused to shut me About the write instructions documents Prohibition me send High~Court
ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office Case eat eating habits, and falsely accused me the secret anti-crime
and illegal harm to shut me to write instructions Prohibition documents I appeal to send high-Court
that I More needed personally send high-Court, to see how they continue under eat case!
2014年9月13日 星期六
DBS tampering original mortgage contract interest rate to take pictures ...
This is the last year in March 2013, things is illegal unconstitutional ROC Article 22 7 not allowed me anti-rail card would not let me publish the fact that the perpetrators !!
Falsely accused me (the crime of obstruction of a secret prison to shut me to do) to help the government electromagnetic wave visible Guoan 曹大伟 against me, and would not let me video in any public place!
Because consortium together with the government to destroy evidence,
Bandits ROC government to civil consortium bold break the law (permits license)
DBS Bank managers learn to play tricks ROC governance corruption, said: Can not take pictures DBS crime situation is not video evidence The scene anti-rail video evidence of the accounts,
electromagnetic voice design, great criminal,citizens point into listening to Oh!
DBS Bank to tamper with the original mortgage contract interest rate for the first time do not have an appointment to give me the original loan contract photos as evidence, but did not dare to lie to me three times, did not dare to face to face reconciliations count to me,
3,9% interest rate plus my Chaos, ROC provisions homebuyers preferential loans gone once in a lifetime, it should go with the post office rates, but actually can electromagnetic wave ROC spy Cao Dawei, it became illegal usury banks, but also eat my principal amount consumer protection officer also DBS flooded help destroy evidence, please referendum boycott,
http: //youtu.be/-f8FF1OIATA
DBS did not dare to face to face scene settle accounts of the accounts
2014年9月12日 星期五
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On ...
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site,Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site ,現場有錄影,我們有憲法第七條法律人人平等無階級之分,我當然可學你們私法人反軌證錄影,何況憲法第二條主權在民,第22條憲法保障,你們政腐是人民聘請,當然可以錄影反軌證,公佈你們瀆職吃案,何況捷星案件吃一次,103年當然從新按鈴申告,又漏餡呼嚨霧化證詞案號,現場不錄怎麼可以,從台中到桃園整個台灣司法一定要密錄對付之,公務員才會老實辦案,我發誓台灣公務員及財團全被電磁波控制住了,不配合財團即倒閉呢!就像我以前唱歌期間,不嫁ROC國安曹大偉特務,就會被陷害後半身家破人亡,沈落20多年到現在還際
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On ...
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site,Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site ,現場有錄影,我們有憲法第七條法律人人平等無階級之分,我當然可學你們私法人反軌證錄影,何況憲法第二條主權在民,第22條憲法保障,你們政腐是人民聘請,當然可以錄影反軌證,公佈你們瀆職吃案,何況捷星案件吃一次,103年當然從新按鈴申告,又漏餡呼嚨霧化證詞案號,現場不錄怎麼可以,從台中到桃園整個台灣司法一定要密錄對付之,公務員才會老實辦案,我發誓台灣公務員及財團全被電磁波控制住了,不配合財團即倒閉呢!就像我以前唱歌期間,不嫁ROC國安曹大偉特務,就會被陷害後半身家破人亡,沈落20多年到現在還際
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site
Evidence ROC second time Of leakage of filling eat Litigation case On site
Barack Obama as president of Taiwan ROC與自由時報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實SOS Help人民老闆們請一起抵...
ROC private law framed me,SOS Hellp me! USA I need the Hello ,我要求救,請各網友幫我
2014年9月10日 星期三
ROC private law framed me,SOS Hellp me! USA I need the Hello ,我要求救,請各網友幫我
ROC private law framed me,SOS Hellp me! USA我要求救,請各網友幫我,
ROC三權不分立,馬 總統 忘記(國際憲法)抵觸到法律,則是憲法大於法律之位階,卻正準備學陳水扁一樣要違法關
我 是訴訟國泰世華銀行對方的原告身份,則劉文賓檢察官忘記我是原告身份竟違憲法第八條人身自由罪,淹滅證據,搶奪我密錄眼鏡,引起我反軌證密錄是有原因的 是(有故),我沒那麼無聊無故錄他們犯罪淹滅證據情形, 地檢吃我案子淹滅證據在先,(甚至於不偵察辦案),就吃了證據,
PS:並寄(公文案號還沒改偵字)信就吃案,說:查無罪狀以結案,已五年之久,我都有寫郵局存證信函 給地檢與高檢,
(1),我不認識的書記官還起訴我防害隱私權罪,我又沒登寫名子法規不形成罪,而且是公務員法院任職上班當中,(上傳youtube公務員任職當中吃案影片,非私 人的地方,PS重點又沒名子),那來隱私呢!
(2),又告我刑法防害公務,ROC忘記憲法大於刑法位階,我是有故有原因與法警搏鬥,檢察官與法警先關門鎖上公眾的偵查室大門,犯法違憲人身自由罪, 搶奪罪淹滅證據毀損罪,特別違憲第八條人身自由罪,私法呀!
在第18偵察室裡又告我(防害公務),是(法警忘記我是原告人身份),關鎖起偵察室大門,搶奪我密錄眼鏡行為犯下搶奪罪,目地(淹滅我反 軌證)之證據,並毀損折斷我的反軌證密錄眼鏡犯下毀損罪,後來用手腳鐵鍊要違法違憲第八條(人身自由罪)羈押我,
忘記我是原告人之身份, 我是在冤情自保(自衛)本能之下喊救命,才跟法警對抗咬他手指,那是本能自衛,所以我當然用憲法第七條法律人人平等,無階級之分,法庭裡有錄影,無階級之分,我當然 可以用(有原因有冤故)來反軌證,
利用這真民主國際憲法第22條, 我並非(無故是有冤故)來公佈司法(私法)公務人員任職當中吃案,淹滅證據情形,可是卻被劉文賓:
(3),事後傳喚出庭 第二審勘驗(第18庭偵查室告國泰世華銀行)偵察影片,
劉文賓 檢察官 竟手拿著證據,臉抬高竟對著攝影說是(星展銀行)鎖我黑名單,(公然睜眼說瞎話,扭曲事實吃案之離譜),又大膽越權違憲亂羈押我,(忘記我是原告身 份),亂羈押我情節之訴說跟 (勘驗影片子經過一樣),我女兒及我律師二位證人,也有在法庭內一同看(勘驗影片見證),
幾個月後,出庭第四審說無罪回去等通知,我律師及女兒都在場聽到,可是台中地檢 卻寄來(無蓋台中地檢之印章之公文來判我有罪),信說要關八個月,我依然公佈於FB,
ROC知道我上傳在FB無蓋章信件證據,台中地院用私法誣告我並判決我罪 要關我做監牢 無蓋印章台中地檢之公文後,
二日之間!ROC台中地檢就真的寄有蓋印章的掛號信,我去警察局領信件後,瘋子台灣本島(政法變私法),像陳水扁一樣,硬要誣陷栽贓關我五年,不 然要罰100萬臺幣以上,我被(ROC電磁波腦控陷害有形無形後半生20多年了),家破人亡,老公無故跳樓,電磁波下意念腦控我20多年打不完的官司, 生意也被腦控起起落落,又被ROC限制出國,
請各網友給我相關國際世界人權協會電話或網址,我要求救!SOS,台中地檢還在公文裡註明說,這是總統判決 的,
這回我悟到了真正陷害我的人,原來四年前我發現FB大陸網友公佈文件:第一任吳伯熊 二任連叔叔 三任馬先生 總統做中共區長的賣國賊密秘,做公民記者的我,馬上 翻錄上傳YouTube公佈民眾說他判國,
結 果悟到了!真正要整我誣告陷害關我的是ROC總統呢!而且還學陳水扁總統一樣枉法扭曲事實,忘記憲法抵觸法 律,則大於法律之規章程!就算我不用憲法第22條 ,可是我還有憲 法第七條法律人人平等,無階級之分,法庭裡有錄影,無階級之分,我當然 可以用(有原因有冤故)來反軌證!公務人員在公眾法庭內(PS非私人地方)公然任職當中辦案大膽如土匪般集體違憲違法湮滅證據吃案!公民道德必做!憲法 第二條(主權在民)我有權公佈於世!ROC(三權不分立)假民主之事實!
亂判人民罪,請全世界鄙視他! SOS Hello me!我要求救,請各網友幫我!
2014年9月7日 星期日
Barack Obama as president of Taiwan ROC與自由時報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實SOS Help人民老闆們請一起抵...
(using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,
我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,又事告訴人身份,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實忘記了我是訴訟國泰人壽及世華銀行之告訴人身份鎖起法庭大門,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據ROC與自由報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實,還學我不敢登寫名字,人民老闆們請一起抵制,台灣是洗腦犯法假新聞,今天誣陷害我的(防害密秘罪)全由ROC政腐國安,鴻源詐騙投資公司的( 首腦 顧問 曹大偉)也是電磁波腦控特務掌控劇情耍我,這20多年腦控故意讓我打不完的官司,每次玩的都是一樣,這回我學聰明了,連理都不理,把你們當瘋狗,好笑的連台中地檢誣告我,違法寄給我的信,全都不敢蓋章,怕我告到國際法庭,好啦!任你們宰割,錢沒有,讓你們養啦,關進去監牢得到億萬,這冤獄你們敢關,本姑奶奶我也很樂意喔!重點,我的任何證據足足讓你們ROC吃不完兜著走,我絕對不會再給你們沒法制的ROC政腐!留到國際法庭見啦!台灣追訴期是十年,據我所知,國際刑法是更久喔!騎驢看唱本,走著瞧啦!
這樣法制全民罷選!開除爛體系ROC!拒做國際小三無國際身份公民,視同難民耶!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔! Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!拒做國際小三無國際身份公民,視同難民耶!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!大家去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔! SOS,! Help !
Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded real evidence eat off my case, I also have writ the five-year post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Cunxin evidence,But ROC Prosecutors will culvert (Destruction of evidence the private person, ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence letters) the effect!Taichung District Prosecutors Office are angry! use the Private law, false accusations harm me because I
harm them justice who did something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence),so rebellions false accusations me to person and sent directly to prosecute indictable letter to my house, design false accusation indictment I (the secret anti-crime victims),
Better to laugh, prosecutors in court ask questioning me, once again flooded destroy the evidence I gave him,I litigation (Cathay United Bank) illegal (blocked my personal credit blacklist),
but Liu Wenbin prosecutors actually take this evidence documents in court against the court cameras ,Say:DBS Bank it was a lock you blacklist ,Holy crap! Nonsensical, court camera cheat cheat great, I feel this court is the mastermind of electromagnetic waves, can be mind-control people so that they break the law of justice, which is a subsidiary of DBS Bank ROC political rot franchise, know that I do independence after the loan to improve my shophouses decade ago forgotten the people once in a lifetime discount loan project, but forgot to adjust the exchange rate to go with the post office, the political rot actually called DBS Bank transferred usurious interest 3,9%, so I can not afford, but also eat me The principal, I am ready to sell shophouses ,
PS: focus on controlling the electromagnetic brain drain filling up (I did not sue DBS), which is actually the electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 prosecutor also know that I am with DBS event occurs,!Oh! Liu prosecutor has his heart through magic Oh! I know I'll sue Cathay ROC use after the event to earn big red, ghost only in private legal system under the ROC sue DBS mention it! ROC electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 capricious,
PS: Them forgot (the plaintiff's identity, litigation Cathay United Bank of life and tell the identity), ROC actually playing private law,Locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, flood damage openly snatch off my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours, I had to shout for help ah,! Shouting flooded snatch off my card play it! Then the bailiff broken glasses destruction of recorded evidence of the destruction of my destruction perpetrated the crime,Also practiced law with Tieshou detention unconstitutional to buckle my hands, I was under the instinct of self-defense against the fight with him,The inquest videotapes child I have seen a lawyer and daughter live entirely true, I also focused on video-taped as evidence,
大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔!拒做國際小三,沒有國際身份公民,ROC視同難民!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!
SOS,Hello! 救命啊! 台中地檢署耍弄陷害公民喔!淹滅我五年真實證據吃案,我也有照司法程序寫五年郵局存證信涵給台中地檢們(淹滅證據實情),ROC私法人,竟然無視(郵局存 証信函)之效力!台中地檢署們生氣了!反而用私法害我,因為我防害他們司法人做了犯罪的好事,(淹滅我的證據 ),所以 反亂誣告我,地檢私法人並直接寄起訴公訴信到我家,設計誣告陷害公訴我(防害密秘罪),
更好笑,在法庭檢察官偵訊我時,又再次淹滅我給他的證據 ,我告的是(國泰世華銀行)違法(封鎖我聯徵個人信用黑名單),
鎖起法庭大門土匪做風,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據,還違法違憲羈押我12小時,我有喊救命呀,!喊搶奪淹滅我證劇呀!然後法警折斷破壞毀滅我密錄眼鏡證據 犯下的毀損罪,又用鐵手練違法違憲來羈押扣我手腳,
我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實,重點我也錄影下 來存證了,我真希望你們關我做牢啦!我絕對讓你們ROC賠很大,該證據影片已經在外國了,絕對不給你們ROC沒法制專門淹滅證據的國度裡,
什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,
(是你們公務員公然辦案),(我們人民聘雇的),竟然是(為民眾服務),那來的( 隱私) 與( 密秘 )呢!這條罪屬性是自編出的 吧!
羈押 我出來後第二日一同我姐去台中健康派出所,報警拿報案三聯單收據,好笑的是警察知道我有密錄還打電話去請示上級才敢接案,這是什麼體係呀!接著去法院按鈴 申告後,也有到郵局寫存證信函給台中地檢劉文賓檢察官犯案過程,可是劉文賓檢察官公僕還是大膽反寄公訴信誣告我(防害他們犯法淹滅證據)的(防害他們賺大 紅包的密秘罪耶)來陷害我呢!
救命啊! 台中地檢署耍弄陷害公民喔!淹滅我五年真實證據吃案,我也有照司法程序寫五年郵局存證信涵給台中地檢們(淹滅證據實情),ROC私法人,竟然無視(郵局存 証信函)之效力!台中地檢署們生氣了!反而用私法害我,因為我防害他們司法人做了犯罪的好事,(淹滅我的證據 ),所以 反亂誣告我,地檢私法人並直接寄起訴公訴信到我家,設計誣告陷害公訴我(防害密秘罪),
更好笑,在法庭檢察官偵訊我時,又再次淹滅我給他的證據 ,我告的是(國泰世華銀行)違法(封鎖我聯徵個人信用黑名單), 但是劉文賓檢察官竟然手拿這證據單據,在法庭內故意對著庭內攝影機說這是星展銀行鎖你黑名單呀!
哇靠!睜眼說瞎話,騙法庭攝影機騙很大,我覺的這法院是電磁波主謀,可腦控他們司法人如此犯法, 這星展銀行子公司是ROC政腐加盟店,知道我搞台獨後,提高我店屋貸款忘記十年前一生一次優惠人民貸專案,又忘記跟郵局調整匯率走,竟政腐叫星展銀行調到 高利貸利息3、9%,讓我付不起,還吃我本金,逼迫我拍賣店屋!準備吃掉我店!還好我先賣店屋!可是ROC照常陷害指使星展銀行吃掉我的本金約$40萬左右,
PS:重點電磁波腦控漏餡了!(我又還沒提告星展銀行), 這電磁波腦控劉文賓檢察官竟然還知道我跟星展發生的過節事件,喔!劉檢察官有他心通法術喔! 我知道ROC利用我來告國泰事件賺大紅包後,鬼才會在ROC的私人法律體制下再提告星展呢!
ROC電磁波腦控劉文賓枉法, PS:忘記了我是(原告者身份,訴訟國泰人壽及世華銀行之告訴人身份),ROC竟大玩私法, 鎖起法庭大門土匪做風,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據,還違法違憲羈押我12小時,我有喊救命呀,!喊搶奪淹滅我證劇呀!然後法警折斷破壞毀滅我密錄眼鏡證據 犯下的毀損罪,又用鐵手練違法違憲來羈押扣我手腳,我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實,
重點我也錄影下 來存證了,我真希望你們關我做牢啦!我絕對讓你們ROC賠很大,該證據影片已經在外國了,絕對不給你們ROC沒法制專門的淹滅證據的國度裡,
什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,
是你們公務員公然辦案,我們人民聘雇的,竟然是為民眾服務,那來的隱私與密秘呢!這條罪屬性是自編出的 吧!ROC地檢吃案在先,憲法第七條允許我現場反軌證密攝錄影,如你們ROC國際不承認的政腐,真玩私法關我坐牢,可以我很會玩那就讓你們賠很大吧!
羈押 我出來後第二日,一同我姐去台中健康派出所,報警拿報案三聯單收據,好笑的是警察知道我有密錄還打電話去請示上級才敢接案,這是什麼體係呀!接著去法院按鈴 申告後,也有到郵局寫存證信函給台中地檢劉文賓檢察官犯案過程,可是劉文賓檢察官公僕還是大膽反寄公訴信誣告我(防害他們犯法淹滅證據)的(防害他們賺大 紅包的密秘罪耶)來陷害我呢!
大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔!
Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!
SOS,! Help !
Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded real evidence eat off my case, I also have writ the five-year post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Cunxin evidence,
But ROC Prosecutors will
culvert (Destruction of evidence the private person, ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence letters) the effect!
Taichung District Prosecutors Office are angry! use the Private law, false accusations harm me because I
harm them justice who did something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence),
so rebellions false accusations me to person and sent directly to prosecute indictable letter to my house, design false accusation indictment I (the secret anti-crime victims),
Better to laugh, prosecutors in court ask questioning me, once again flooded destroy the evidence I gave him,
I litigation (Cathay United Bank) illegal (blocked my personal credit blacklist),
but Liu Wenbin
prosecutors actually take this evidence documents in court against the court cameras ,Say:DBS Bank it was a lock you blacklist ,
Holy crap! Nonsensical, court camera cheat cheat great, I feel this court is the mastermind of electromagnetic waves, can be mind-control people so that they break the law of justice, which is a subsidiary of DBS Bank ROC political rot franchise, know that I do independence after the loan to improve my shophouses decade ago forgotten the people once in a lifetime discount loan project, but forgot to adjust the exchange rate to go with the post office, the political rot actually called DBS Bank transferred usurious interest 3,9%, so I can not afford, but also eat me The principal, I am ready to sell shophouses ,
PS: focus on controlling the electromagnetic brain drain filling up (I did not sue DBS), which is actually the electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 prosecutor also know that I am with DBS event occurs,!
Oh! Liu prosecutor has his heart through magic Oh! I know I'll sue Cathay ROC use after the event to earn big red, ghost only in private legal system under the ROC sue DBS mention it! ROC electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 capricious,
PS: Them forgot (the plaintiff's identity, litigation Cathay United Bank of life and tell the identity), ROC actually playing private law,
Locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, flood damage openly snatch off my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours, I had to shout for help ah,! Shouting flooded snatch off my card play it! Then the bailiff broken glasses destruction of recorded evidence of the destruction of my destruction perpetrated the crime,
Also practiced law with Tieshou detention unconstitutional to buckle my hands, I was under the instinct of self-defense against the fight with him,
The inquest videotapes child I have seen a lawyer and daughter live entirely true, I also focused on video-taped as evidence, and I really hope you do jail ROC off my friends! I definitely let you lose a lot ROC, the evidence already in a foreign film, and definitely do not give you specific legal flooded ROC did not destroy evidence of the kingdom,
What is anti-harm public, (the Constitution) is greater than the (legal) of (rank), ROC ourselves out of the regulations, and even forgot non-compliance, Article VII of the Constitution, I have to protect (the law of equality - no class distinction), since no class, the court camcorder, the people of course can also be encrypted video anti-rail cards, not to mention your private guilty of criminal law ROC (flooded destroy evidence) ate evidence in the case for five years,
Written five storage card to give you a letter of the Taichung District Prosecutors Office, but to break the law to ignore the letter as evidence culvert effectiveness is your blatant civil investigators, employment of our people, the people turned out for the service, and that the secret to privacy and do ! this property is self sin out of it! ROC Prosecutors eat earlier case, allow me to live the Constitution Article VII secret anti-rail card camcorder, as you do not recognize the ROC international political rot, really play off my private jail, can I play with it so that you will lose it great bar!
The second day after I came out of detention with my sister went to the police station in Taichung health alarm to get a report in triplicate receipts, funny secret police know that I have also recorded a phone call to superiors dare to take the case, which is what system you! Then go to court after the reams, but also to the post office to write a letter as evidence to commit crimes prosecutor Taichung District Prosecutors 刘文宾 process, but Liu Wenbin prosecutors servant or send a bold counter-indictment letter falsely accused me (anti-flood victims destroy evidence of their offenses) of the (anti-harm they earn the secret sins big red money dawg) to trap me! Such legal strike referendum election! Expelled rotten system ROC!
ROC! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded destroy evidence eat my five years real case, I have five years post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Prosecutors were (flooded destroy evidence of the truth), public servants are ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence a letter) the effect! Public servants angry! Instead, with private law against me, because I prevent harm them justice people to do something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence), so the anti-chaos framed me, public servants and directly send an indictable letter to my home, designed false accusation indictable I (anti-harm secret sin), better laugh, prosecutors questioning me in court, Liu Wenbin prosecutors capricious and forgot that I was (the plaintiff the identity), actually play private law, locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, Destroy evidence damage openly snatch destroy my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours after I came out with my sister went to the police to take a report triplicate receipts, funny police know that I have also recorded ,a phone call to superiors dare to take the case, which is what the system Yeah! then go to court after the declaration, but also as evidence a letter written to the post office to commit crimes prosecutor Taichung District Prosecutors 刘文宾 process, but Liu Wenbin prosecutors servants or send a bold counter-indictment letter falsely accused me ( Destroy evidence victims they destroy evidence) of (anti-crime victims secret yeah) framed me! Such no legal strike referendum election! All citizens Expelled rotten system ROC! Destroy evidence http://youtu.be/cZ2kpPQWPvcSOS,Hello!
Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!
我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,又事告訴人身份,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實忘記了我是訴訟國泰人壽及世華銀行之告訴人身份鎖起法庭大門,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據ROC與自由報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實,還學我不敢登寫名字,人民老闆們請一起抵制,台灣是洗腦犯法假新聞,今天誣陷害我的(防害密秘罪)全由ROC政腐國安,鴻源詐騙投資公司的( 首腦 顧問 曹大偉)也是電磁波腦控特務掌控劇情耍我,這20多年腦控故意讓我打不完的官司,每次玩的都是一樣,這回我學聰明了,連理都不理,把你們當瘋狗,好笑的連台中地檢誣告我,違法寄給我的信,全都不敢蓋章,怕我告到國際法庭,好啦!任你們宰割,錢沒有,讓你們養啦,關進去監牢得到億萬,這冤獄你們敢關,本姑奶奶我也很樂意喔!重點,我的任何證據足足讓你們ROC吃不完兜著走,我絕對不會再給你們沒法制的ROC政腐!留到國際法庭見啦!台灣追訴期是十年,據我所知,國際刑法是更久喔!騎驢看唱本,走著瞧啦!
這樣法制全民罷選!開除爛體系ROC!拒做國際小三無國際身份公民,視同難民耶!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔! Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!拒做國際小三無國際身份公民,視同難民耶!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!大家去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔! SOS,! Help !
Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded real evidence eat off my case, I also have writ the five-year post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Cunxin evidence,But ROC Prosecutors will culvert (Destruction of evidence the private person, ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence letters) the effect!Taichung District Prosecutors Office are angry! use the Private law, false accusations harm me because I
harm them justice who did something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence),so rebellions false accusations me to person and sent directly to prosecute indictable letter to my house, design false accusation indictment I (the secret anti-crime victims),
Better to laugh, prosecutors in court ask questioning me, once again flooded destroy the evidence I gave him,I litigation (Cathay United Bank) illegal (blocked my personal credit blacklist),
but Liu Wenbin prosecutors actually take this evidence documents in court against the court cameras ,Say:DBS Bank it was a lock you blacklist ,Holy crap! Nonsensical, court camera cheat cheat great, I feel this court is the mastermind of electromagnetic waves, can be mind-control people so that they break the law of justice, which is a subsidiary of DBS Bank ROC political rot franchise, know that I do independence after the loan to improve my shophouses decade ago forgotten the people once in a lifetime discount loan project, but forgot to adjust the exchange rate to go with the post office, the political rot actually called DBS Bank transferred usurious interest 3,9%, so I can not afford, but also eat me The principal, I am ready to sell shophouses ,
PS: focus on controlling the electromagnetic brain drain filling up (I did not sue DBS), which is actually the electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 prosecutor also know that I am with DBS event occurs,!Oh! Liu prosecutor has his heart through magic Oh! I know I'll sue Cathay ROC use after the event to earn big red, ghost only in private legal system under the ROC sue DBS mention it! ROC electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 capricious,
PS: Them forgot (the plaintiff's identity, litigation Cathay United Bank of life and tell the identity), ROC actually playing private law,Locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, flood damage openly snatch off my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours, I had to shout for help ah,! Shouting flooded snatch off my card play it! Then the bailiff broken glasses destruction of recorded evidence of the destruction of my destruction perpetrated the crime,Also practiced law with Tieshou detention unconstitutional to buckle my hands, I was under the instinct of self-defense against the fight with him,The inquest videotapes child I have seen a lawyer and daughter live entirely true, I also focused on video-taped as evidence,
大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔!拒做國際小三,沒有國際身份公民,ROC視同難民!難怪會被ROC欺侮,下毒油毒死我們!
SOS,Hello! 救命啊! 台中地檢署耍弄陷害公民喔!淹滅我五年真實證據吃案,我也有照司法程序寫五年郵局存證信涵給台中地檢們(淹滅證據實情),ROC私法人,竟然無視(郵局存 証信函)之效力!台中地檢署們生氣了!反而用私法害我,因為我防害他們司法人做了犯罪的好事,(淹滅我的證據 ),所以 反亂誣告我,地檢私法人並直接寄起訴公訴信到我家,設計誣告陷害公訴我(防害密秘罪),
更好笑,在法庭檢察官偵訊我時,又再次淹滅我給他的證據 ,我告的是(國泰世華銀行)違法(封鎖我聯徵個人信用黑名單),
鎖起法庭大門土匪做風,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據,還違法違憲羈押我12小時,我有喊救命呀,!喊搶奪淹滅我證劇呀!然後法警折斷破壞毀滅我密錄眼鏡證據 犯下的毀損罪,又用鐵手練違法違憲來羈押扣我手腳,
我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實,重點我也錄影下 來存證了,我真希望你們關我做牢啦!我絕對讓你們ROC賠很大,該證據影片已經在外國了,絕對不給你們ROC沒法制專門淹滅證據的國度裡,
什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,
(是你們公務員公然辦案),(我們人民聘雇的),竟然是(為民眾服務),那來的( 隱私) 與( 密秘 )呢!這條罪屬性是自編出的 吧!
羈押 我出來後第二日一同我姐去台中健康派出所,報警拿報案三聯單收據,好笑的是警察知道我有密錄還打電話去請示上級才敢接案,這是什麼體係呀!接著去法院按鈴 申告後,也有到郵局寫存證信函給台中地檢劉文賓檢察官犯案過程,可是劉文賓檢察官公僕還是大膽反寄公訴信誣告我(防害他們犯法淹滅證據)的(防害他們賺大 紅包的密秘罪耶)來陷害我呢!
救命啊! 台中地檢署耍弄陷害公民喔!淹滅我五年真實證據吃案,我也有照司法程序寫五年郵局存證信涵給台中地檢們(淹滅證據實情),ROC私法人,竟然無視(郵局存 証信函)之效力!台中地檢署們生氣了!反而用私法害我,因為我防害他們司法人做了犯罪的好事,(淹滅我的證據 ),所以 反亂誣告我,地檢私法人並直接寄起訴公訴信到我家,設計誣告陷害公訴我(防害密秘罪),
更好笑,在法庭檢察官偵訊我時,又再次淹滅我給他的證據 ,我告的是(國泰世華銀行)違法(封鎖我聯徵個人信用黑名單), 但是劉文賓檢察官竟然手拿這證據單據,在法庭內故意對著庭內攝影機說這是星展銀行鎖你黑名單呀!
哇靠!睜眼說瞎話,騙法庭攝影機騙很大,我覺的這法院是電磁波主謀,可腦控他們司法人如此犯法, 這星展銀行子公司是ROC政腐加盟店,知道我搞台獨後,提高我店屋貸款忘記十年前一生一次優惠人民貸專案,又忘記跟郵局調整匯率走,竟政腐叫星展銀行調到 高利貸利息3、9%,讓我付不起,還吃我本金,逼迫我拍賣店屋!準備吃掉我店!還好我先賣店屋!可是ROC照常陷害指使星展銀行吃掉我的本金約$40萬左右,
PS:重點電磁波腦控漏餡了!(我又還沒提告星展銀行), 這電磁波腦控劉文賓檢察官竟然還知道我跟星展發生的過節事件,喔!劉檢察官有他心通法術喔! 我知道ROC利用我來告國泰事件賺大紅包後,鬼才會在ROC的私人法律體制下再提告星展呢!
ROC電磁波腦控劉文賓枉法, PS:忘記了我是(原告者身份,訴訟國泰人壽及世華銀行之告訴人身份),ROC竟大玩私法, 鎖起法庭大門土匪做風,公然搶奪毀損淹滅我的證據,還違法違憲羈押我12小時,我有喊救命呀,!喊搶奪淹滅我證劇呀!然後法警折斷破壞毀滅我密錄眼鏡證據 犯下的毀損罪,又用鐵手練違法違憲來羈押扣我手腳,我在本能自衛之下才反抗跟他搏鬥,這些勘驗錄影帶子我律師及女兒現場都有看到完全屬實,
重點我也錄影下 來存證了,我真希望你們關我做牢啦!我絕對讓你們ROC賠很大,該證據影片已經在外國了,絕對不給你們ROC沒法制專門的淹滅證據的國度裡,
什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,
是你們公務員公然辦案,我們人民聘雇的,竟然是為民眾服務,那來的隱私與密秘呢!這條罪屬性是自編出的 吧!ROC地檢吃案在先,憲法第七條允許我現場反軌證密攝錄影,如你們ROC國際不承認的政腐,真玩私法關我坐牢,可以我很會玩那就讓你們賠很大吧!
羈押 我出來後第二日,一同我姐去台中健康派出所,報警拿報案三聯單收據,好笑的是警察知道我有密錄還打電話去請示上級才敢接案,這是什麼體係呀!接著去法院按鈴 申告後,也有到郵局寫存證信函給台中地檢劉文賓檢察官犯案過程,可是劉文賓檢察官公僕還是大膽反寄公訴信誣告我(防害他們犯法淹滅證據)的(防害他們賺大 紅包的密秘罪耶)來陷害我呢!
大家 去歐巴馬FB部落格認親喔!(用舊金山條約)認歐巴馬為台灣總統喔!
Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!
SOS,! Help !
Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded real evidence eat off my case, I also have writ the five-year post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Cunxin evidence,
But ROC Prosecutors will
culvert (Destruction of evidence the private person, ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence letters) the effect!
Taichung District Prosecutors Office are angry! use the Private law, false accusations harm me because I
harm them justice who did something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence),
so rebellions false accusations me to person and sent directly to prosecute indictable letter to my house, design false accusation indictment I (the secret anti-crime victims),
Better to laugh, prosecutors in court ask questioning me, once again flooded destroy the evidence I gave him,
I litigation (Cathay United Bank) illegal (blocked my personal credit blacklist),
but Liu Wenbin
prosecutors actually take this evidence documents in court against the court cameras ,Say:DBS Bank it was a lock you blacklist ,
Holy crap! Nonsensical, court camera cheat cheat great, I feel this court is the mastermind of electromagnetic waves, can be mind-control people so that they break the law of justice, which is a subsidiary of DBS Bank ROC political rot franchise, know that I do independence after the loan to improve my shophouses decade ago forgotten the people once in a lifetime discount loan project, but forgot to adjust the exchange rate to go with the post office, the political rot actually called DBS Bank transferred usurious interest 3,9%, so I can not afford, but also eat me The principal, I am ready to sell shophouses ,
PS: focus on controlling the electromagnetic brain drain filling up (I did not sue DBS), which is actually the electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 prosecutor also know that I am with DBS event occurs,!
Oh! Liu prosecutor has his heart through magic Oh! I know I'll sue Cathay ROC use after the event to earn big red, ghost only in private legal system under the ROC sue DBS mention it! ROC electromagnetic mind control 刘文宾 capricious,
PS: Them forgot (the plaintiff's identity, litigation Cathay United Bank of life and tell the identity), ROC actually playing private law,
Locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, flood damage openly snatch off my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours, I had to shout for help ah,! Shouting flooded snatch off my card play it! Then the bailiff broken glasses destruction of recorded evidence of the destruction of my destruction perpetrated the crime,
Also practiced law with Tieshou detention unconstitutional to buckle my hands, I was under the instinct of self-defense against the fight with him,
The inquest videotapes child I have seen a lawyer and daughter live entirely true, I also focused on video-taped as evidence, and I really hope you do jail ROC off my friends! I definitely let you lose a lot ROC, the evidence already in a foreign film, and definitely do not give you specific legal flooded ROC did not destroy evidence of the kingdom,
What is anti-harm public, (the Constitution) is greater than the (legal) of (rank), ROC ourselves out of the regulations, and even forgot non-compliance, Article VII of the Constitution, I have to protect (the law of equality - no class distinction), since no class, the court camcorder, the people of course can also be encrypted video anti-rail cards, not to mention your private guilty of criminal law ROC (flooded destroy evidence) ate evidence in the case for five years,
Written five storage card to give you a letter of the Taichung District Prosecutors Office, but to break the law to ignore the letter as evidence culvert effectiveness is your blatant civil investigators, employment of our people, the people turned out for the service, and that the secret to privacy and do ! this property is self sin out of it! ROC Prosecutors eat earlier case, allow me to live the Constitution Article VII secret anti-rail card camcorder, as you do not recognize the ROC international political rot, really play off my private jail, can I play with it so that you will lose it great bar!
The second day after I came out of detention with my sister went to the police station in Taichung health alarm to get a report in triplicate receipts, funny secret police know that I have also recorded a phone call to superiors dare to take the case, which is what system you! Then go to court after the reams, but also to the post office to write a letter as evidence to commit crimes prosecutor Taichung District Prosecutors 刘文宾 process, but Liu Wenbin prosecutors servant or send a bold counter-indictment letter falsely accused me (anti-flood victims destroy evidence of their offenses) of the (anti-harm they earn the secret sins big red money dawg) to trap me! Such legal strike referendum election! Expelled rotten system ROC!
ROC! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office juggle framed citizenship Oh! Flooded destroy evidence eat my five years real case, I have five years post office according to judicial proceedings as evidence a letter written to the Taichung District Prosecutors were (flooded destroy evidence of the truth), public servants are ignoring the fact that (the post office as evidence a letter) the effect! Public servants angry! Instead, with private law against me, because I prevent harm them justice people to do something good crime (flooded destroy my evidence), so the anti-chaos framed me, public servants and directly send an indictable letter to my home, designed false accusation indictable I (anti-harm secret sin), better laugh, prosecutors questioning me in court, Liu Wenbin prosecutors capricious and forgot that I was (the plaintiff the identity), actually play private law, locked courtroom doors bandits do wind, Destroy evidence damage openly snatch destroy my evidence, but also illegal detention unconstitutional me 12 hours after I came out with my sister went to the police to take a report triplicate receipts, funny police know that I have also recorded ,a phone call to superiors dare to take the case, which is what the system Yeah! then go to court after the declaration, but also as evidence a letter written to the post office to commit crimes prosecutor Taichung District Prosecutors 刘文宾 process, but Liu Wenbin prosecutors servants or send a bold counter-indictment letter falsely accused me ( Destroy evidence victims they destroy evidence) of (anti-crime victims secret yeah) framed me! Such no legal strike referendum election! All citizens Expelled rotten system ROC! Destroy evidence http://youtu.be/cZ2kpPQWPvcSOS,Hello!
Barack Obama FB everyone to recognize the pro blogging Oh! (using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan Oh! Refused to do international small Third, there is no international status of citizens, ROC regarded as refugees! No wonder the ROC will be bullied, poisoned oil poison our!
2014年9月5日 星期五
ROC Libre collusion with accomplices, flooded destroy evidence of the fa...
Taiwan is brainwashing illegal fake news, today framed against my (anti harm the secret sins) by ROC whole rotten Guoan Zheng, Hongyuan fraud investment companies (Summit consultant Cao Dawei) is controlled electromagnetic mind control spy story playing me, these 20 years of brain control deliberately let me Dabu Wan lawsuit,
ROC與自由報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實,還學我不敢登寫名字,人民老闆們請一起抵制,台灣是洗腦犯法假新聞,今天誣陷害我的(防害密秘罪)全由ROC政腐國安,鴻源詐騙投資公司的( 首腦 顧問 曹大偉)也是電磁波腦控特務掌控劇情耍我,這20多年腦控故意讓我打不完的官司,每次玩的都是一樣,這回我學聰明了,連理都不理,把你們當瘋狗,好笑的連台中地檢誣告我,違法寄給我的信,全都不敢蓋章,怕我告到國際法庭,好啦!任你們宰割,錢沒有,讓你們養啦,關進去監牢得到億萬,這冤獄你們敢關,本姑奶奶我也很樂意喔!重點,我的任何證據足足讓你們ROC吃不完兜著走,我絕對不會再給你們沒法制的ROC政腐!留到國際法庭見啦!台灣追訴期是十年,據我所知,國際刑法是更久喔!騎驢看唱本,走著瞧啦!
ROC與自由報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實,還學我不敢登寫名字,人民老闆們請一起抵制,台灣是洗腦犯法假新聞,今天誣陷害我的(防害密秘罪)全由ROC政腐國安,鴻源詐騙投資公司的( 首腦 顧問 曹大偉)也是電磁波腦控特務掌控劇情耍我,這20多年腦控故意讓我打不完的官司,每次玩的都是一樣,這回我學聰明了,連理都不理,把你們當瘋狗,好笑的連台中地檢誣告我,違法寄給我的信,全都不敢蓋章,怕我告到國際法庭,好啦!任你們宰割,錢沒有,讓你們養啦,關進去監牢得到億萬,這冤獄你們敢關,本姑奶奶我也很樂意喔!重點,我的任何證據足足讓你們ROC吃不完兜著走,我絕對不會再給你們沒法制的ROC政腐!留到國際法庭見啦!台灣追訴期是十年,據我所知,國際刑法是更久喔!騎驢看唱本,走著瞧啦!
ROC與自由報共謀共犯,淹滅證據事實,還學我不敢登寫名字,人民老闆們請一起抵制,台灣是洗腦犯法假新聞,今天誣陷害我的(防害密秘罪)全由ROC政腐國安,鴻源詐騙投資公司的( 首腦 顧問 曹大偉)也是電磁波腦控特務掌控劇情耍我,這20多年腦控故意讓我打不完的官司,每次玩的都是一樣,這回我學聰明了,連理都不理,把你們當瘋狗,好笑的連台中地檢誣告我,違法寄給我的信,全都不敢蓋章,怕我告到國際法庭,好啦!任你們宰割,錢沒有,讓你們養啦,關進去監牢得到億萬,這冤獄你們敢關,本姑奶奶我也很樂意喔!重點,我的任何證據足足讓你們ROC吃不完兜著走,我絕對不會再給你們沒法制的ROC政腐!留到國際法庭見啦!台灣追訴期是十年,據我所知,國際刑法是更久喔!騎驢看唱本,走著瞧啦!
2014年9月1日 星期一
2014年8月31日 13:46
全民跟歐巴馬總統留言去!Peoples distinguished Affinity's President Obama!
President! You can publish these facts?
Can you fired ROC! No rule of law ROC governance corruption!
The U.S. government's policy on Taiwan's real, all Taiwanese can lead into the future, I believe this is all Taiwanese are most want to know one thing. 全民不要再傻傻被ROC這爛體係騙很大,103年了二黨有錢,國庫依然虧負債倒霉人A民,美國政府對台灣真正的政策,可以帶領全部台灣人走向未來,相信這也是所有台灣人都最想知道的一件事。
◎ 1950年11月30日,聯合國安理會第530次會議,表決以9比1駁回,中國所指控「美國武裝入侵台灣」案:
◎ 1958年09月04日,中華人民共和國在北京向全世界宣告:美軍佔領台灣中
◎ 2010年01月15日,美軍太平洋司令在美國會作證:每天都在執行台灣關係法
◎ 2014年2月12日,美國國務院官網:美國在台協會(AIT)負責執行美國對台灣政策
◎ 2014年6月11日,中國、中華台北、美國主張:台灣地位未定
** 社團內有許多美軍佔領台灣中的證據,都放在 社團右上角 :
「檔案」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/547082858734644/files/
2014年8月31日 13:46
全民跟歐巴馬總統留言去!Peoples distinguished Affinity's President Obama!
President! You can publish these facts?
Can you fired ROC! No rule of law ROC governance corruption!
The U.S. government's policy on Taiwan's real, all Taiwanese can lead into the future, I believe this is all Taiwanese are most want to know one thing. 全民不要再傻傻被ROC這爛體係騙很大,103年了二黨有錢,國庫依然虧負債倒霉人A民,美國政府對台灣真正的政策,可以帶領全部台灣人走向未來,相信這也是所有台灣人都最想知道的一件事。
◎ 1950年11月30日,聯合國安理會第530次會議,表決以9比1駁回,中國所指控「美國武裝入侵台灣」案:
◎ 1958年09月04日,中華人民共和國在北京向全世界宣告:美軍佔領台灣中
◎ 2010年01月15日,美軍太平洋司令在美國會作證:每天都在執行台灣關係法
◎ 2014年2月12日,美國國務院官網:美國在台協會(AIT)負責執行美國對台灣政策
◎ 2014年6月11日,中國、中華台北、美國主張:台灣地位未定
** 社團內有許多美軍佔領台灣中的證據,都放在 社團右上角 :
「檔案」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/547082858734644/files/
2014年8月29日 星期五
ROC Falsely accused sentenced me sin District Prosecutors private law, N...
ROC Falsely accused sentenced me sin District Prosecutors private law, No had cover the court seal
Nothing has cover the court seal !
Day No had informed me, No notification letterin , What this day the
judgment is what !Roar! Play private law! Afraid I reported to the
International Tribunal is not it!
Not cover seal!
judicial gone back, blatant I have witness, witnesses (my lawyer) and
(my daughter) , and the video evidence, judgment in court when the
fourth time (falsely accused me obstruction secret) sin ended July / 30,
the the Tribunal said :( I acquitted)!
Afterwards! They illegally send No has cover seal private letters to me,
Private letters verdict falsely accused I am guilty!
Taichung District Prosecutors announced that 7/30 date in court
acquitted the fourth time judgment decisions video ,will hit their own
slap in the face Oh!!
Video evidence at hand will not give you
the ROC!I become wise this time I absolutely reserved to give defend the
Constitution of the International Tribunal for it!
I have been
National Security (Cao Dawei) use electromagnetic waves mind control and
continue playing the entire body during on August, of course, announce
tell citizens,
Not to the elections! fired not has rule of law in
ROC governance corruption! private law and play me once again, send no
stamp (Taichung District Court) of the documents seal of letters say I
am guilty!
Yes can! I'll get 20 years ago (Cao Dawei National
Security) psychological language use electromagnetic waves mind control
unit the entire in my body, set me up to (mental hospital the
certificate) to play the fool on with you Wanla! Come Wanla! Come off me
prison it! let ROC cultivate, after the International Tribunal
proceedings to let you lose a lot of money ROC Rights!With you piay it!
8/20日No had通知我出庭,請問這日判決是什麼審判啊!吼!玩私法!怕我告到國際法庭是嗎!not dare cover seal!
ROC出爾反爾的司法,明目張膽我有證人, witnesses(我律師)及(我女兒)二人,及錄影證據,7月/30日第四次出庭審判(誣告我妨害秘密)罪結束時,法庭內說:(我判無罪)!
Yes can!我就去拿20多年以前(曹大偉國安)用電磁波腦控心理語言機整我身體,陷害我去(精神病院的證明書)來跟你們裝瘋賣傻玩啦!來玩啦!來關我監牢啦!讓ROC cultivate,之後訴訟到國際法庭讓你們ROC賠大錢啦!!跟你們piay啦!
2014年8月22日 星期五
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Coll...
ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,
This receipt! Proves government fraud, also confirmed the ROC controlled electromagnetic brain drain fillings, and this political corruption is the use of electromagnetic brain controlled chaos bullying citizens, two of the party has been bold wonder emptied the treasury, because there are electromagnetic mind control systems of crime!,
ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,
ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,
This receipt! Proves government fraud, also confirmed the ROC controlled electromagnetic brain drain fillings, and this political corruption is the use of electromagnetic brain controlled chaos bullying citizens, two of the party has been bold wonder emptied the treasury, because there are electromagnetic mind control systems of crime!,
ROC利用電磁波腦控自來水公司 詐欺民全集
ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me,I has pay money last time,l has Receipt ,
But Government still send ( red not a single payment Receipt),
I have paid the money Receipt of evidence,Proved the government fraud,
超你媽,電磁波ROC政腐 超你媽水利局,敢做不敢為,現在一直阻止我上傳YouTube第三集,自來水公司詐騙帳單說明,他們以為政腐腦控照著就不怕,俗辣,有種再控喔!你們控制的每一幕我都錄影存證了,越控表示越是俗剌,孬種! 片名,網址都有跳出來,
(ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me),
(ROC using electromagnetic mind control Together State Water Company Collection fraud me),
2014年8月19日 星期二
ROC ! Shit fuck!
ROC Stop Allowed me Making friends, FB friends men girls foreign friends, all the dialogue is not the message, all control my IP location, fuck ROC!
ROC不准我交友,FB網友男人 女生 外國朋友們,全都不能對話留言,全部控制我的IP位置、
fuck ROC!
Taiwanese election after the strike, fired a total kick this political rot ROC, how to join the United Nations
National strike election, perhaps next to your wife or daughter,By ROC NSA spy In love, will like me Like epigenetic Miserable too!
PS:不合法的外交部故意配合曹大偉國安 違憲故意利用 誣告我的(防害密秘罪)也出信件不准我出國出海控制我人身自由!
2014年8月14日 星期四
2014年8月11日 星期一
http://youtu.be/CVee1nlu-98 ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,卻又整我店的水量,買通自來水公司,故意調水壓,下午我生意很好,ROCK邪惡勢力電磁波無視我有繳水費,竟然讓自來水公司調低水壓量,讓我不能做生意,客人就不能沖水洗頭,之前整我水很骯髒有沙子客戶沖水有沙子,而且這水龍頭也PO過在網路上,水壓相當大,竟在今天午時我生意好時,竟然水噴頭突然的水壓不足,連水槽也是一樣呢!真的是精神病到末期,老娘有付費,你們這土匪政腐竟然病的不輕,那就公佈世界,讓世界來鄙視這不合法的流亡政腐啦!
ROC lost! Trap false judicial proceedings harm my people break the law sin flooded destroy evidence, ROC announced lose fear of losing face scared,
I has paid Already this year ,But ROC still the blockade my site!
They fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!
That site is dedicated to exposing crime with ROC website, I must let the world despise them offense, the CCP organ harvesting was announced after do not the dare Dig pick,
so Oh, announced offense electromagnetic ROC political rot!
ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,又封鎖我以經付費智邦10年的網址! 那網址是專門揭發ROC犯罪用的網站,卻被ROC封鎖,他們怕被公佈呢!認識知恥這字如何寫呢!,我一定要讓全世界鄙視他們的罪行,中共摘器官被公佈後就不敢摘了,所以喔,全民公佈犯法電磁波ROC政腐!請世界鄙視他們!
2014年8月8日 星期五
ROC fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!
ROC lost! Trap false judicial proceedings harm my people break the law sin flooded destroy evidence, ROC announced lose fear of losing face scared,
I has paid Already this year ,But ROC still the blockade my site!
They fear publish it! Know how to write the word sense of shame of it!
That site is dedicated to exposing crime with ROC website, I must let the world despise them offense, the CCP organ harvesting was announced after do not the dare Dig pick,
so Oh, announced offense electromagnetic ROC political rot!
ROC輸了!陷阱誣告訴訟我防害司法人犯法淹滅證據罪,ROC輸後怕丟臉怕被公佈,又封鎖我以經付費智邦10年的網址! 那網址是專門揭發ROC犯罪用的網站,卻被ROC封鎖,他們怕被公佈呢!認識知恥這字如何寫呢!,我一定要讓全世界鄙視他們的罪行,中共摘器官被公佈後就不敢摘了,所以喔,全民公佈犯法電磁波ROC政腐!請世界鄙視他們!
2014年8月6日 星期三
ROC Last night electromagnetic mind control and therefore harm my feet t...
Last night electromagnetic mind control and therefore harm my feet twisted
2014年8月2日 星期六
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the obstructi...
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults
ROC government the losing unsuccessful lawsuit against me (the
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults
obstruction of secret sin) again after Cao Dawei national security
continue with electromagnetic mind control the entire harm me, I have
already paid the fee to block network curriculum IP Location! Purpose
not allowed me to class! Even I buy the (Wayne scissors) design modeling
classes are not allowed to class! bribed a director of man Taichung
Wayne! I signed up do not give me lessons! Chedan electromagnetic cults
2014年7月28日 星期一
(1)The kmt spells do trapeze yeah!狗冥黨下的符咒可做空中飛人耶!
!hen business dealings signed contract termination: the moment I lifted the contract signing = not owe any contract period = not owe any fees, cancellation after the second day of Cathay United Bank has returned give to my post office account of $ 2,000, but it ROC electromagnetic waves! brain control political corruption is to continue with Cathay Life consortium Dunning money, send bill mad phone calls continue for up to five months, forced me to sue lawsuit, they have a big money rot political earn it! actually 20 years , and there is evidence that the real thing is not afraid of defamation of, ROC false accusations causing me (Precautionary secret sin), because I found them judicial and political rot together to sell secret evidence in Taiwan, shame table leak International does not recognize the rotten political all the Taiwan Citizen people expelled ROC the strike rot!
那時不知到是被ROC政腐曹大偉國安電磁波腦控,還以為是被曹大偉國安下邪教符咒呢!如今卻了解了這政腐整害 人民整很大,完全不適任,全部公民罷選開除他們ROC!
10分鐘前 · 已編輯 · 讚
Mei Feng Chang http://youtu.be/-t1tfmVOLag 那時不知到是被ROC政腐曹大偉國安電磁波腦控,還以為是被曹大偉國安下邪教符咒呢!如今卻了解了這政腐整害 人民整很大,完全不適任,全部公民罷選開除他們ROC!
(1)The kmt spells do trapeze yeah!狗冥黨下的符咒可做空中飛人耶!
When business dealings signed contract termination: the moment I lifted the cont⋯⋯ 更多
約於 1 分鐘前 · 已編輯 · 讚 · 移除預覽
div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
2014年7月27日 星期日
Find a consumer protection official mediation filing DBS eat my principa...
iframe width 480 height 270 src http://www.youtube.com/embed/RTbuu_dugSI frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>告星展銀行吃我本金詐欺罪,在消保官調解被案!我不要送件到金管會!該金管會是騙人的!國泰世華詐欺案跟本都不回信鳥你案件!
Report DBS Bank eat my principal Fraud, mediation was the case in the consumer protection official! I do not want a delivery to a FSC The FSC is a lie! The Cathay fraud case with this not reply birds your case!
So I've come to the Consumer Protection Officer
I dual citizenship! DBS as compensation for the loss of my money, blame me Singapore lawsuits accuse you DBS bank fraud take financial crimes!
ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉!
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
Report DBS Bank eat my principal Fraud, mediation was the case in the consumer protection official! I do not want a delivery to a FSC The FSC is a lie! The Cathay fraud case with this not reply birds your case!
So I've come to the Consumer Protection Officer
I dual citizenship! DBS as compensation for the loss of my money, blame me Singapore lawsuits accuse you DBS bank fraud take financial crimes!
ROC 政腐 台中地檢署現在是用盡辦法要準備關掉我的YouTube部落格,,所以才用防害密秘罪來大膽誣告陷害我,法院在追封這帳號,其實這帳號全部都是ROC '做賊喊抓賊曹大偉國安特務犯下的電磁波腦控記錄之影片,有證據真實事不怕毀謗罪的,ROCK 告不成防害隱私,就改告我防害密秘罪,真丟臉此舉表露漏國際不合法不承認的爛政腐,還要選A舉嗎唉!
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC又違法羈押通輯抓我,是更彰顯電磁波威力嗎! 行為離譜明顯,我二位律師及女兒還有美甲廠商在場
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
ROC electromagnetic mind control spy do a bad thing ROC電磁波腦控特務們,敢做就要敢為,怕什麼呀
international does not recognize ROC, no diplomacy, which can set up an office, not a legitimate political rot ROC thief ,People bosses do not (strike-election) to dismiss this scam ROC government corruption, peace and harmony!
ROC election cheat, then listened to 103 years! People are ashamed for you yeah! As reporters, said: Legislature 54321 lens opening theme quarrel make fights, fast forward to the people watching, realistic point, Taiwan aiwan slaves citizens would support our family life fat cat Oh!The interview is completed, reporters told 54321: End of the lens,
ROC lawmakers cheering embrace all say We make music together to drink Oh! To the rest of the people watching the news berk really stupid too!
ROC選舉的騙話,聽了103年!人民都替你們丟臉耶!如記者說:立法院54321鏡頭開使 主題吵架 打架,快演給人民看,逼真點,台灣奴隸公民們會供養我們全家肥貓一輩子喔!
採訪完畢54321記者說:鏡頭結束,ROC 全部立法委員歡呼擁抱一起著說:下班喔!大家一起去喝酒做樂喔!就剩下看新聞的呆頭愚笨人民當真呢!
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